Cover of The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession
    True Crime

    The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession by Michael Finkel tells the riveting true story of Stéphane Breitwieser, one of the most prolific art thieves in history. Over the course of several years, Breitwieser stole hundreds of priceless works from museums across Europe, all while evading capture. Finkel explores the complex motivations behind Breitwieser's crimes, including his obsessive love for art and the impact of his actions on his personal life. The book examines themes of obsession, passion, and the thin line between art and crime.

    On the morn­ing of his twen­ty-fourth birth­day, Octo­ber 1, 1995, Bre­itwieser embarks on a trip to New Cas­tle in Ger­many with his moth­er, Anne-Cather­ine, and one of her dachs­hunds. They take in the beau­ti­ful scenery of the Black For­est and vis­it a Sothe­by’s auc­tion pre­view held in the his­toric cas­tle. Cov­ered in fall foliage, the cas­tle is a majes­tic site filled with auc­tion items across its 106 rooms. Although Bre­itwieser is excit­ed to see a spe­cif­ic six­teenth-cen­tu­ry por­trait of Sibylle of Cleves by Lucas Cranach the Younger, he feels a ten­sion in the air, stem­ming from the fact that they rarely dis­cuss his ille­gal activ­i­ties dur­ing their time togeth­er.

    Bre­itwieser reflects on their past when he and his moth­er were very close, but now, despite shar­ing a res­i­dence, he asserts that they do not inter­act much. His moth­er, Mireille Sten­gel, remains most­ly cryp­tic about his activ­i­ties and has declined inter­views with reporters, leav­ing many details of her life and his crim­i­nal­i­ty con­cealed. She stays out­side with the dog while Bre­itwieser and Anne-Cather­ine enter the cas­tle. Inside, he gapes at the art­work’s extra­or­di­nary detail, mes­mer­ized by the vibrant por­trait. It is secured under a plex­i­glass dome, sur­round­ed by vig­i­lant guards, and as they nav­i­gate the cas­tle, he acknowl­edges the dif­fi­cul­ty of steal­ing such a valu­able piece with­out trig­ger­ing alarm.

    Even with the thrill of a poten­tial heist, humor and prac­ti­cal­i­ty keep him ground­ed as they assess the sit­u­a­tion. They agree not to risk steal­ing the paint­ing that day, as it would bring unwant­ed atten­tion and scruti­ny from author­i­ties. How­ev­er, as they revis­it the room hous­ing the por­trait lat­er on when the secu­ri­ty is slight­ly relaxed, an oppor­tu­ni­ty presents itself.

    Await­ing the right moment, Bre­itwieser deft­ly takes the por­trait and hides it with­in his auc­tion cat­a­log. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in his hur­ried escape, he knocks over the easel that held the paint­ing, caus­ing a jar­ring noise. To his sur­prise, their swift exit goes unno­ticed amidst the chat­ter sur­round­ing them. Main­tain­ing a calm demeanor, he exits with Anne-Cather­ine, still full of adren­a­line and exhil­a­ra­tion as they join his wait­ing moth­er, con­vinced that they suc­cess­ful­ly exe­cut­ed the dar­ing theft with­out rais­ing any sus­pi­cions. The cel­e­bra­tion of a birth­day din­ner with his grand­par­ents awaits, but now Bre­itwieser has a hid­den trea­sure to com­mem­o­rate his spe­cial day.


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