Cover of Wed to the Grendel
    Romance Novel

    Wed to the Grendel

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Wed to the Grendel by Elizabeth L. Brooks is a dark, whimsical fantasy that reimagines the classic Beowulf legend. The story follows a young woman who finds herself mysteriously married to Grendel, the monstrous creature. As she navigates her strange new life, she grapples with love, power, and the challenges of being tied to a legendary beast.

    In Chap­ter Nine­teen of the sto­ry, Bran­thor finds him­self in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion due to gun­shot wounds. His broth­ers, Teal, Maren, and Nova rush him home, where they set him up on the couch with pil­lows and blan­kets for com­fort. Sava and Var­na, two elder­ly gren­del females, are called for their exper­tise in plant med­i­cine, but they lack the means to extract the bul­lets from Branthor’s body. Mean­while, Nova goes to fetch Gwen, a human doc­tor mar­ried to a gren­del, to assist in the pro­ce­dure.

    Gwen arrives with a first aid kit and expert­ly works along­side Nova to extract the bul­lets while admin­is­ter­ing painkillers. Although Bran­thor ini­tial­ly hes­i­tates to take them, the pain leads him to request their use, and Gwen injects him for quick­er relief. The extrac­tion pro­longs into the night, leav­ing him exhaust­ed and nau­seous. Despite his insis­tence that Teal take care of her­self, she stays by his side, show­ing care and devo­tion.

    For the fol­low­ing two days, Bran­thor recov­ers, feel­ing embar­rassed about his weak­ness. How­ev­er, amidst recov­ery, Teal moves into his room, and they devel­op their con­nec­tion with­out the dis­trac­tions of phys­i­cal inti­ma­cy. Bran­thor appre­ci­ates this time to bond with Teal, expe­ri­enc­ing a deep­er form of love. On the third day, he feels reju­ve­nat­ed enough to cook break­fast and goes out­side to watch the sun­rise, despite Teal’s wor­ries.

    Lat­er, Branthor’s broth­er, Kairos, arrives, pre­oc­cu­pied and agi­tat­ed. He reveals that a del­e­gate from the Tem­ple is sched­uled to vis­it for a mar­i­tal check-up on Teal, a con­di­tion set for them to offi­cial­ly take her in. Bran­thor is sur­pris­ing­ly pleased by this and decides to embrace the sit­u­a­tion enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly. Teal, excit­ed by the news, begins to pre­pare for the meet­ing, hint­ing at the impor­tance of the day as she con­sid­ers which dress to wear.

    When the del­e­gate arrives, Teal looks stun­ning in her cho­sen white dress, reflect­ing the warmth of their union. As they make small talk over lunch, the Tem­ple del­e­gate inquires about Teal’s adap­ta­tion and Bran­thor’s treat­ment of her. Through the laugh­ter and light-heart­ed ban­ter, Bran­thor presents the delayed mar­riage con­tract, explain­ing that he wish­es to sign it in the pres­ence of the del­e­gate. The moment solid­i­fies their com­mit­ment, and as Bran­thor signs the con­tract, Teal express­es her joy, cap­tur­ing the hap­pi­ness they have found in each oth­er .


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