Cover of Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Twisted Games by Ana Huang is a captivating, steamy romance that follows the intense, forbidden love story between a princess and her bodyguard. Filled with sizzling chemistry, emotional depth, and plenty of twists, this book explores themes of power, trust, and love against a backdrop of royal intrigue. Perfect for fans of contemporary romance with strong, complex characters and a thrilling plot.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.

    threat­en, enough min­is­ters into vot­ing yes on a repeal. Some were an
    easy sell, oth­ers not so much. But one hun­dred phone calls, eleven
    in-per­son vis­its, twen­ty-three media inter­views, and count­less pub­lic
    appearances—both sched­uled and “candid”—of me and Rhys lat­er,
    the big day final­ly arrived.
    Rhys and I sat in my suite, watch­ing the vote play out on TV. I’d
    stress-ate my way through two packs of Ore­os while he sat next to
    me, his face impas­sive but his body vibrat­ing with the same rest­less
    ener­gy tun­nel­ing through my veins.
    The cur­rent vote count: nine­ty yay, thir­ty nay, and two absten-
    tions, with fifty-eight more votes to go. We need­ed one hun­dred thir-
    ty-five yays for a repeal. It looked good, but I wasn’t count­ing my
    chick­ens until they hatched.
    “Lady Jensen.” Erhall’s sour voice rang through the mahogany-
    pan­eled cham­ber on-screen.
    “Lord Orskov.”
    I squeezed Rhys’s hand, my heart thump­ing. I’d slot­ted Orskov
    into the maybe col­umn, so his vote was a big win.
    “They’ll pass it.” Rhys’s qui­et con­fi­dence soothed the frayed
    edges of my nerves. “If they don’t, we have our back­up plan.”
    “Which is?”
    “Burn down Par­lia­ment.”
    I huffed out a laugh. “How’s that sup­posed to help?”
    “I don’t know, but it’d be damn sat­is­fy­ing.”
    Anoth­er laugh, anoth­er eas­ing of nerves.
    Fifty-sev­en down. Fifty-six. Fifty-five.
    The vote con­tin­ued until only two min­is­ters were left and we
    were one yay short of a repeal. If either of them vot­ed yes, we were
    home free.
    I squeezed Rhys’s hand again as Erhall called on the next
    “Lord Kop­pel.”
    I deflat­ed while Rhys let out a stream of curs­es. I hadn’t expect­ed
    Kop­pel to vote yes, but it was dis­ap­point­ing nonethe­less.
    Regret rose in my throat. I should’ve dug out the black­mail file
    on Kop­pel. I’d tried to keep my cam­paign above­board, nev­er out-
    right threat­en­ing any of the min­is­ters except Erhall, but per­haps I’d
    mis­cal­cu­lat­ed. I wouldn’t be the first per­son in his­to­ry who’d got­ten
    screwed over by their con­science.
    You did what was right.
    The hairs on the back of my neck prick­led. I straight­ened and
    looked around my suite, but it was emp­ty save for Rhys and me.
    Still, I could’ve sworn I heard a soft female voice whis­per to me…a
    voice that sound­ed sus­pi­cious­ly like my mother’s, based on the old
    tapes I’d watched of her.
    This is what I get for stay­ing up late. I’d been too wired to sleep
    much last night, and I was clear­ly deliri­ous from exhaus­tion.
    On-screen, a smug smile slashed across Erhall’s face, and I could
    tell he was pray­ing for the repeal to fail. He’d opened the motion as
    promised, but his glee had been vis­i­ble every time some­one vot­ed
    “Lady Dahl.”
    I gnawed on my bot­tom lip.
    Dahl was the last min­is­ter left. She had one of the most unpre-
    dictable vot­ing records in Par­lia­ment, and she could go either way.
    None of my calls to her had yield­ed any­thing more than a polite
    Thank you, Your High­ness. I’ll think about it.
    The rest­less ener­gy ema­nat­ing from Rhys tripled until it was near
    audi­ble in the thick silence of my suite. The Ore­os sloshed in my
    stom­ach, and I wished I hadn’t binged on so much sug­ar in such a
    short time.
    Dahl opened her mouth, and I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to
    watch the moment that would change my life—for bet­ter or for
    Please, please, please…
    Yay. It took a minute for my brain to process that one word.
    When it did, my eyes flew open in time to see an irri­tat­ed-look­ing
    Erhall say, “With a final vote count of one hun­dred thir­ty-five yay,
    forty nays, and five absten­tions, Par­lia­ment offi­cial­ly declares the
    Roy­al Mar­riages Law of 1723 repealed. The cham­ber…”
    I tuned out the rest of what he said. I was too buzzed, my skin
    rac­ing with tin­gles of elec­tric­i­ty and my head dizzy with dis­be­lief.
    My stunned gaze met Rhys. “Did that real­ly hap­pen?”
    His eyes crin­kled into a small smile. “Yeah, princess, it did.”
    Fierce pride and relief lined his face.
    “We did it.” I couldn’t wrap my head around it. The law had
    been the bane of my exis­tence since I became crown princess, and
    now, it was gone. I could mar­ry whomev­er I want­ed with­out giv­ing
    up the throne. I could mar­ry Rhys.
    The import of what hap­pened ful­ly sank in.
    “We did it!” I squealed and flung myself into a laugh­ing Rhys’s
    arms. Every­thing went blur­ry, and I real­ized I was cry­ing, but I
    didn’t care.
    So many months of ago­niz­ing over the law, so many ear­ly morn-
    ings and late nights and con­ver­sa­tions that made me want to tear my
    hair out…all worth it, because we did it.
    I’m proud of you, hon­ey. The soft female voice returned, and emo-
    tion welled in my throat.
    It didn’t mat­ter whether the voice was real or a fig­ment of my
    imag­i­na­tion. All that mat­tered was it was there, clos­er than it’d ever
    Thanks, Mom. I’m proud of me, too.
    Rhys, my grand­fa­ther, and Niko­lai had all reas­sured me I could
    do my job as queen, but I hadn’t quite believed them until now. My
    first real vic­to­ry in Par­lia­ment. I hoped my rela­tion­ship with the
    min­is­ters would be more coop­er­a­tive than com­bat­ive, but I wasn’t
    naïve enough to think it’d be smooth sail­ing from here on out.
    There’d be plen­ty of uphill bat­tles to come, but if I won once, I could
    win again.
    Rhys cap­tured my mouth in a deep, ten­der kiss. “You did it. I’m
    just along for the ride.”
    “Not true.” I snug­gled clos­er to him, so euphor­ic I would’ve
    float­ed right off the ground had he not secured his arms around my
    waist. “You were there for every­thing, too.”
    The inter­views, the meet­ings, the pub­lic appear­ances. All of it.
    A deep sound rum­bled in Rhys’s chest. “Looks like you’re stuck
    with me, princess.” He grazed his knuck­les over my spine.
    “Should’ve thought this through.”
    “Am I?” I adopt­ed a thought­ful expres­sion. “I could always
    break up with you and date some­one else. There’s a movie star I’ve
    always—” I squealed again when he stood and tossed me over his
    “Rhys, put me down.” I was smil­ing so big my cheeks hurt. “I
    have calls to answer.” I waved my hand in the gen­er­al direc­tion of
    my phone, which had been vibrat­ing with new mes­sages and calls
    since the vote con­clud­ed.
    “Lat­er.” Rhys’s palm land­ed with a hard smack on my ass, and I
    yelped even as heat seared through me at the impact. “I need to
    teach you a les­son about jok­ing with me. Espe­cial­ly about oth­er
    Was it wrong my panties damp­ened at the way his voice low­ered
    into a pos­ses­sive growl? Per­haps. But I couldn’t bring myself to care
    as he kicked the door to my bed­room ful­ly open and tossed me on
    the bed.
    “What kind of les­son?” I was already so wet my thighs were
    sticky with my arousal, and Rhys’s dark smile only made me wet­ter.
    “Get on your hands and knees,” he said, ignor­ing my ques­tion.
    “And face the head­board.”
    I com­plied, and my heart crashed against my ribcage when the
    bed dipped beneath Rhys’s weight. He yanked my skirt up with one
    hand and my panties down with the oth­er, the move­ment so force­ful
    I heard the unmis­tak­able rip of silk tear­ing.
    I need­ed to set aside a month­ly bud­get to replace all the under-
    wear he’d ruined, but I wasn’t com­plain­ing.
    “We’ll cel­e­brate the vote lat­er.” Rhys dragged his fin­ger through
    my slick­ness and over my sen­si­tized clit, and a tiny whim­per es-
    caped my mouth. “But for now, let’s see if you still think you’re fun-
    ny after I’m done with you.”


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