Cover of Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Twisted Games by Ana Huang is a captivating, steamy romance that follows the intense, forbidden love story between a princess and her bodyguard. Filled with sizzling chemistry, emotional depth, and plenty of twists, this book explores themes of power, trust, and love against a backdrop of royal intrigue. Perfect for fans of contemporary romance with strong, complex characters and a thrilling plot.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.

    bra and thong. Trem­bles wracked me—from antic­i­pa­tion or the
    slight chill in the air, I wasn’t sure. Prob­a­bly a mix­ture of both.
    Rhys was sil­hou­et­ted against the moon­light so I couldn’t see his
    face, but I could feel the heat of his gaze as it raked over me. Dark
    and pos­ses­sive like a lover’s touch, leav­ing a trail of deli­cious goose-
    bumps in its wake.
    I wet my lips, dying to touch him, but know­ing it was in my best
    inter­est not to move until he told me to.
    “Bra. Off.”
    Two sec­onds lat­er, white lace joined green silk on the floor.
    I reached down to shim­my out of my under­wear, but a low growl
    halt­ed my move­ments.
    “I didn’t tell you to do that.” Rhys’s eyes lin­gered on my breasts,
    and my nip­ples, already so hard they could cut glass, peb­bled fur-
    ther. “Keep your under­wear, gloves, and heels on,” he said, still in
    that decep­tive­ly soft tone. “And crawl to me.”
    My breath gust­ed out in shock even as my core spasmed at the
    I’d nev­er crawled for any­one in my life—while I was all but
    naked, no less. Even if I wasn’t the future queen, it would be degrad-
    ing. Humil­i­at­ing. Depraved.
    And I’d nev­er been more turned on.
    I sank to my hands and knees, shiv­er­ing again at the feel of the
    cool wood floor against my bare skin.
    And I began to crawl.
    The room wasn’t that big, but the antic­i­pa­tion made it seem end-
    less. Halfway across, I glimpsed myself in the full-length mir­ror
    mount­ed on the wall, and my skin burned at the sight.
    I still wore the ele­gant elbow-length gloves that came with my
    brides­maid out­fit, but when paired with only my heels and thong,
    they looked obscene.
    My breath­ing grew chop­pi­er. I was so wet my thighs slid against
    each oth­er, and by the time I reached Rhys, I was drip­ping all down
    my legs.
    I stopped at his feet and looked up. I could see him more clear­ly
    now, but his expres­sion remained unread­able except for the fire blaz-
    ing in his eyes.
    “Good girl.” He fist­ed my hair with one hand and used the oth­er
    to unbuck­le his pants. His cock sprung out, thick and hard, the
    swollen head drip­ping with pre-cum.
    God, I need­ed to taste him. No one had ever turned me on as
    much as he did. Every word, every touch, every glance. I want­ed it
    I stared at him with plead­ing eyes.
    Rhys hadn’t fin­ished nod­ding before I took him in my mouth, sa-
    vor­ing his groans and the way he pulled my hair as I eager­ly licked
    and sucked.
    “What would your peo­ple say if they could see you now,
    princess?” he grunt­ed, push­ing his cock deep­er until it hit the back
    of my throat. I splut­tered, my eyes water­ing from the sheer size of
    him. “Crawl­ing and chok­ing on your bodyguard’s cock?”
    I moaned out an unin­tel­li­gi­ble response. My hand drift­ed be-
    tween my legs, but I didn’t make con­tact before he yanked me up
    and cap­tured my mouth in a hard, pun­ish­ing kiss.
    He was still angry about Stef­fan. I could taste it on his tongue,
    feel it in the rough­ness of his hands as he squeezed my ass.
    “You’re more than just a body­guard to me.” I need­ed him to un-
    der­stand that, even amid our lust-drenched haze.
    “Yeah, I can get you off, too,” Rhys said caus­ti­cal­ly. “Bet none of
    the lily-liv­ered aris­to­crats out there can fuck you the way you need.”
    I didn’t take the bait. “It’s more than that.”
    It was the clos­est I’d come to voic­ing what was in my heart.
    Some­thing vul­ner­a­ble flick­ered in Rhys’s eyes, and his touch
    gen­tled for a sec­ond before his face hard­ened again. He spun me
    around and bent me over the table, press­ing his body against mine
    until every inch of him meld­ed into every inch of me.
    He low­ered his mouth to my ear and tan­gled one of his hands
    with mine. “I want you to know some­thing, princess,” he said, his
    voice a hoarse rasp against my skin. “There’s not much in the world
    I want to claim as mine. I’ve seen and done too much shit in my life
    to believe in for­ev­er. But you…” He grasped my chin with his free
    hand. “You belong to me. I don’t give a fuck what the law or any­one
    else says. You are mine. Under­stand?”
    “Yes.” I squeezed his hand, my heart and body aching for com-
    plete­ly dif­fer­ent rea­sons.
    Rhys exhaled a harsh, shud­der­ing breath and pulled back. I was
    about to protest before he rough­ly part­ed my thighs and yanked my
    under­wear down.
    The ball of antic­i­pa­tion in my stom­ach coiled tighter.
    “There’s some­thing else you should know.” He dragged two fin-
    gers through my wet­ness before shov­ing them in my mouth, forc­ing
    me to taste my juices. An unbid­den moan slipped out at the unfamil-
    iar tang on my tongue. “I don’t like it when oth­er peo­ple touch
    what’s mine. Espe­cial­ly when it’s a date who’s not me.”
    I knew I’d been in trou­ble the minute I said that.
    “But maybe you need a les­son to dri­ve that point home.” Rhys
    rubbed his thumb over my swollen clit before his palm land­ed
    where his thumb had been. My body jerked, and a yelp of sur­prise
    and pain tore from my throat, but Rhys’s fin­gers in my mouth muf-
    fled the sound.
    His palm land­ed on my pussy again with a loud slap. And again.
    And again.
    I was shak­ing, my eyes filled with tears as razor-sharp sen­sa­tion
    spiked through me. My entire world had nar­rowed to the puls­ing
    heat between my legs and the man who doled out pain and plea­sure
    in equal mea­sure.
    “Who does your pussy belong to?” Rhys removed his fin­gers
    from my mouth and squeezed my breast.
    “You,” I gasped, clutch­ing the edge of the table so hard my
    knuck­les turned white.
    “Say it again.” Hard. Demand­ing. Author­i­ta­tive.
    “You! My pussy belongs to you.” My voice broke in a sob as he
    deliv­ered anoth­er sting­ing slap to my clit.
    “That’s right. It belongs to me, and don’t you ever for­get it.” Slap.
    I let out a keen­ing wail, try­ing to scrab­ble away and push back
    hard­er against him at the same time. I couldn’t tell whether I loved
    or hat­ed what was hap­pen­ing, only that I was drip­ping and burn­ing
    and every scrape of my nip­ples against the wood­en table sent anoth-
    er jolt of heat straight to my throb­bing clit.
    “Are you going to dance with your date again?” Rhys’s voice
    sound­ed remark­ably even, if tight­ly con­trolled.
    I shook my head, the tears slid­ing down my cheeks.
    “Good.” Slap. “You are so wet, princess.” Slap. “You should see
    how pret­ty and swollen your clit looks right now. Like it’s beg­ging
    for me to spank it hard­er.” SLAP.
    It was too much. The words, the bru­tal, filthy pun­ish­ment, the
    fact we were doing this just around the cor­ner and down the hall
    from my fam­i­ly and friends.
    I explod­ed. Hard. Long. Vio­lent. Ears buzzing, knees buck­ling,
    show­ers of lights burst­ing behind my eyes. I would’ve fall­en to the
    floor had Rhys not held me up while the strongest orgasm of my life
    tore through me like an elec­tric storm, and I had to drop my head
    and bury my face in my arm to sti­fle my screams.
    I was still rid­ing out the waves of my mind-shat­ter­ing release
    when I felt Rhys’s tongue gen­tly stroke my clit, lick­ing and sooth­ing
    until the burn fad­ed.
    Just as I gath­ered myself togeth­er, he stood and slow­ly pushed
    his cock inside of me. He with­drew equal­ly slow­ly, until just the tip
    remained inside, and paused. I inhaled, but my first real breath of
    the night broke into a squeal when he sud­den­ly slammed into me
    with a vicious thrust. His fist in my hair kept me in place as he bot-
    tomed out with each down­ward stroke, and the con­trast between the
    gen­tle­ness of his entry and the sav­age fury with which he now
    fucked me scram­bled my sens­es to the point where I could only hold
    on to the table for dear life.
    In and out. Hard­er and faster each time until the tin­gles at the
    base of my spine came back to life, and I crashed over the edge
    “Oh, God, Rhys.”
    “That’s it, princess.” He pressed a kiss to my shoul­der, his move-
    ments grow­ing jerki­er. He was about to come, too. “Such a good girl.
    Come for me.”


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