Cover of Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Twisted Games by Ana Huang is a captivating, steamy romance that follows the intense, forbidden love story between a princess and her bodyguard. Filled with sizzling chemistry, emotional depth, and plenty of twists, this book explores themes of power, trust, and love against a backdrop of royal intrigue. Perfect for fans of contemporary romance with strong, complex characters and a thrilling plot.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.

    doing any­thing wrong. Not at that sec­ond, any­way. “I didn’t know
    you were back in town.”
    “I—uh, yes,” he stut­tered, look­ing unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly flus­tered.
    “It was a last-minute deci­sion. I wasn’t sup­posed to be back until
    next week, but I had an emer­gency in the city and I need­ed to get
    back straight away. I was going to call you tomor­row after every-
    thing set­tled.” His eyes slid to his left, and I real­ized he wasn’t alone.
    A petite, pret­ty woman with curly dark hair stood next to him,
    her face red and her arms wrapped tight around her waist.
    “Your High­ness.” She dipped into a small curt­sy, her lips fixed in
    a strained smile.
    “This is Malin.” Steffan’s dis­com­fort vis­i­bly increased. “She gave
    me a ride back to the city.”
    “Didn’t real­ize future dukes need­ed to hitch rides.” A blade of
    sus­pi­cion sharp­ened Rhys’s oth­er­wise even tone.
    The play­ful, gen­tle Rhys from ear­li­er in the after­noon had dis­ap-
    peared, replaced by the sto­ic, com­posed body­guard I knew so well.
    “She was com­ing back to the city any­way, so it made sense.” Stef-
    fan’s eyes flicked between me and Rhys.
    Some­thing didn’t add up. If he had an emer­gency in the city, why
    was he at a hotel on the out­skirts of Athen­berg this late at night?
    Then again, I of all peo­ple wasn’t going to ques­tion why he was
    The four of us stood in the hall, each eye­ing the oth­ers war­i­ly.
    The ele­va­tor pinged in the dis­tance, and the air con­di­tion­ing
    hummed with anx­i­ety. The ten­sion was so thick I could slice through
    it with a fin­ger­nail.
    “The hotel isn’t in the city,” Rhys said. He hadn’t moved a sin­gle
    inch since we ran into Stef­fan and Malin.
    Malin looked at the ground while Stef­fan ran a hand through his
    hair. “I had a din­ner meet­ing at the restau­rant. And Malin was, uh,
    kind enough to wait while I fin­ished. What are you doing here?”
    He addressed the last part to me, and I real­ized I hadn’t an-
    swered him the first time he asked. “I took a spa day. We were just
    I avoid­ed look­ing at Rhys, afraid the move­ment would some­how
    give away what we’d real­ly been doing all after­noon.
    What does a head turn mean in Eldor­ran? Oh, just that I fucked my
    body­guard in a dozen dif­fer­ent posi­tions over the course of six hours.
    “Of course. I didn’t mean to hold you up.” Stef­fan stepped aside
    so I could pass, but before I could, Malin spoke up.
    “Stef­fan, wasn’t there some­thing you want­ed to ask Her High-
    ness?” She fixed her eyes on Stef­fan, whose lips thinned as he stared
    back at her. Some unspo­ken com­mu­ni­ca­tion passed between them
    before he turned to me.
    “This wasn’t how I want­ed to do it,” he said with a hint of apo­lo-
    gy. “But since we’re here, I did have some­thing to ask you. Please for-
    give me if I’m being pre­sump­tive, but, ah, would you like to be my
    date to Prince Nikolai’s wed­ding?”
    Rhys final­ly moved, his body shift­ing clos­er to mine and his
    hand slid­ing toward the gun at his waist­band.
    “I…” Of all the things I’d expect­ed Stef­fan to ask, that hadn’t
    been one of them. We’d exchanged a few polite texts after our date at
    the Roy­al Botan­ic Gar­dens, but we hadn’t spo­ken in weeks and, to
    be hon­est, he hadn’t crossed my mind again until now.
    I also sus­pect­ed he and Malin had a more com­pli­cat­ed rela­tion-
    ship than he let on, per­haps even a roman­tic one. He clear­ly hadn’t
    want­ed to ask me out, and she was star­ing at the floor again with a
    But if they were togeth­er, why would she push him to go on a
    date with me?
    “I was going to ask when I called you tomor­row,” Stef­fan added.
    He smiled, and I glimpsed the old friend­ly, relaxed Stef­fan again.
    “We’d men­tioned meet­ing up after I returned, and since the wed-
    ding is com­ing up, I thought you might like to go togeth­er. Unless
    you already have a date…”
    Niko­lai and Sabrina’s wed­ding was in a month, and they were
    due back this week­end for the final prepa­ra­tions. I was a brides­maid
    along with Sabrina’s sis­ter and best friend from the U.S.
    “I don’t.” I was expect­ed to, but I hadn’t even thought about it.
    I’d been too wrapped up in the Cit­i­zen Let­ters pro­gram, train­ing,
    and Rhys.
    I hes­i­tat­ed, debat­ing, before I final­ly answered, “I would be hap-
    py to be your date. Thank you for ask­ing.”
    Rhys stiff­ened fur­ther next to me.
    “Excel­lent.” Stef­fan cleared his throat. “Let’s hash the details out
    lat­er, shall we? I’m look­ing for­ward to it.”
    “Me, too.”
    “You’d make a love­ly cou­ple.” There was some­thing in Malin’s
    voice. A hint of warn­ing, maybe? Or ani­mos­i­ty mixed with sad­ness.
    I couldn’t pin­point it, but what­ev­er it was, it made Stef­fan flinch.
    “Thank you.” It took all my train­ing not to inject a ques­tion mark
    at the end. What was I sup­posed to say to some­thing like that?
    Anoth­er awk­ward silence fell before I final­ly excused myself and
    left Stef­fan and Malin stand­ing in the hall, glar­ing at each oth­er.
    Rhys wait­ed until we were in the ele­va­tor before he said,
    “They’re fuck­ing.”
    The thought had crossed my mind, but it didn’t make sense.
    “You don’t know that.”
    “Trust me. I can tell when peo­ple are fuck­ing, and they are.”
    We stepped out of the ele­va­tor and into the lob­by. “If they are,
    why did she encour­age him to ask me out?”
    “I don’t know. Maybe they’re into group play.” Rhys didn’t look
    at me.
    He was pissed. He didn’t say it, but I could feel it, and I didn’t
    have to guess what he was angry about.
    “I had to say yes to the date,” I said after we got in the car.
    “Every­one expects me to bring some­one to Nik’s wed­ding.”
    Edvard and Elin had not for­got­ten about my hus­band search and
    kept bring­ing it up at every turn, but there wasn’t much they could
    do with Stef­fan gone. Now that he was back…
    More com­pli­ca­tions. Less time with Rhys.
    Frus­tra­tion curled in my stom­ach.


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