Cover of Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Twisted Games by Ana Huang is a captivating, steamy romance that follows the intense, forbidden love story between a princess and her bodyguard. Filled with sizzling chemistry, emotional depth, and plenty of twists, this book explores themes of power, trust, and love against a backdrop of royal intrigue. Perfect for fans of contemporary romance with strong, complex characters and a thrilling plot.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.

    er voice of hers…
    It took every ounce of self-con­trol I had not to do what I’d said I
    would do. What she’d asked me to do.
    But even though I want­ed noth­ing more than to throw cau­tion to
    the wind and say fuck it, I’d give her exact­ly what we both craved, I
    didn’t. Brid­get was still drunk. Maybe not as drunk as she’d been
    half an hour ago, but intox­i­cat­ed enough to have com­pro­mised
    I had no clue if this was her or the alco­hol talk­ing. Hell, she’d
    been ready to go home with Vin­cent Hauz, and she hat­ed him.
    “That wasn’t a promise, princess.” My fin­gers dug into her skin.
    “It sound­ed like one to me.”
    Jesus. Temp­ta­tion was so close I could almost taste it. All I had to
    do was reach out and…
    What the hell are you think­ing, Larsen? my inner con­science snarled.
    She’s your client, not to men­tion a god­damned princess. Get the hell away
    from her before you do some­thing you regret even more than what you’re
    doing now.
    It didn’t mat­ter she was only my client for two more weeks. She
    was still my client, and we’d already shat­tered almost every pro­fes-
    sion­al bound­ary tonight.
    “This is what I meant,” I bit out, unsure who I was more pissed
    at, her or me. “You’re act­ing like a dif­fer­ent per­son. The Brid­get I
    know wouldn’t be ask­ing her body­guard to fuck her. What the hell is
    going on with you?”
    Her face hard­ened. “I didn’t sign up for a heart-to-heart, Mr.
    Larsen. Either fuck me, or I’ll find some­one else who will.”
    She let out a small yelp when I bent her ful­ly over the dress­er so
    her body was at a nine­ty-degree angle and her cheek pressed against
    the wood.
    I leaned down until I was so close, I heard her every shal­low,
    pant­i­ng breath. “Do that,” I said. “And you’ll be respon­si­ble for a
    man’s slow, bloody death. Is that what you want, princess?”
    Bridget’s hands clenched into fists. “You won’t touch me, and
    you won’t let any­one else touch me, either. So tell me, what the hell
    do you want, Mr. Larsen?”
    My frus­tra­tion with every­thing, my whole damn life, reached a
    boil­ing point. “I want to know why you’ve been act­ing like an im-
    pul­sive teenag­er instead of a grown-ass woman!”
    Brid­get was the most lev­el­head­ed per­son I knew. At least, she
    had been before her per­son­al­i­ty trans­plant.
    “Because this is the last chance I have!” she yelled. I had nev­er,
    not once in the two years I’d worked with her, heard her raise her
    voice, and it shocked me enough I loos­ened my hold on her and
    stepped back. Brid­get twist­ed out of my grasp and straight­ened to
    face me, her chest heav­ing with emo­tion. “I have one week left. One
    week until…”
    Sud­den, icy ter­ror gripped me. “Until what?” I demand­ed, bile
    ris­ing in my throat. “Are you sick?”
    “No.” Brid­get looked away. “I’m not sick. I’m just get­ting the one
    thing most peo­ple dream of.”
    Con­fu­sion chased away my brief flash of relief.
    “The title of Crown Princess,” she clar­i­fied. She slumped against
    the dress­er, her face weary. “Before you say it, I know. First-world
    prob­lems and all that. There are peo­ple starv­ing, and I’m com­plain-
    ing about inher­it­ing a throne.”
    My con­fu­sion dou­bled. “But Prince Niko­lai…”
    “…Is abdi­cat­ing. For love.” Brid­get flashed a humor­less smile.
    “He had the gall to fall in love with a com­mon­er, and for that, he has
    to give up his birthright. Because the law for­bids the monarch of El-
    dor­ra to mar­ry any­one not of noble blood.”
    Of, for fuck’s sake. What was this, the sev­en­teenth cen­tu­ry?
    “That’s bull­shit.”
    “Yes, but it’s bull­shit we have to fol­low. Includ­ing me, now that
    I’m next in line to the throne.”
    My mouth curled into a small snarl at the thought of her mar­ry-
    ing anoth­er man. It was irra­tional, but noth­ing about my reac­tions
    was ratio­nal when it came to her. Brid­get could wipe away every
    sense of log­ic and pro­pri­ety I had.
    She con­tin­ued, obliv­i­ous to my tur­moil. “The palace is mak­ing
    the offi­cial announce­ment next week. I’m not sup­posed to tell any-
    one until then, which is why I haven’t said any­thing.” She swal-
    lowed hard. “After the announce­ment, I’ll offi­cial­ly be the heir to the
    throne, and my life won’t be mine any­more. Every­thing I do and say
    will reflect the crown, and I can’t let my fam­i­ly or coun­try down.”
    She took a deep breath. “That’s why I’ve been going a little…crazy
    late­ly. I want to savor being nor­mal for the last time. Rel­a­tive­ly
    I was silent as I digest­ed her bomb­shell.
    Brid­get, the future Queen of Eldor­ra. Holy shit.
    She was right in that most women would kill to trade places with
    her. But Brid­get was the girl who once ran out in the mid­dle of a
    thun­der­storm and danced in the rain. Who spent her free time vol-
    unteer­ing at an ani­mal shel­ter and would rather stay home watch­ing
    TV and eat­ing ice cream than attend a fan­cy par­ty.
    To her, becom­ing queen wasn’t a dream; it was her worst
    “It was nev­er sup­posed to be me. I was the spare.” Brid­get
    blinked, her eyes bright with unshed tears. My chest squeezed at the
    sight. “It was nev­er sup­posed to be me,” she repeat­ed.
    I grasped her chin and tilt­ed it until she was look­ing at me.
    “You’re a lot of things, princess. Stub­born, infu­ri­at­ing, a pain in my
    ass half the time. But I promise you, you’re not a spare any­thing.”
    She let out a weak laugh. “That might be the nicest thing you’ve
    ever said to me.”
    “Don’t get used to it.”
    Anoth­er small laugh, one that fad­ed as quick­ly as it had come.
    “What am I going to do?” Brid­get whis­pered. “I’m not ready. I don’t
    think I’ll ever be ready.”
    “You’re Brid­get von Ascheberg,” I said. “You’ll be ready.”
    Brid­get excelled at every­thing she did, and being queen would be
    no excep­tion.
    “In the mean­time…” I hoped I didn’t regret what I was about to
    say. “You’re going to live your life the way you want. As long as it
    doesn’t involve Vin­cent fuck­ing Hauz.”
    If I ever saw that fuck­er again, I would break every bone in his
    body just for touch­ing her and occu­py­ing space in her thoughts. He
    didn’t deserve any inch of her.
    Brid­get bright­ened a bit. “Does that mean you’ll fuck me?”
    Def­i­nite­ly still drunk.
    I groaned, well aware of the erec­tion that hadn’t waned at all this
    entire time. “No, princess. That’s not a good idea.”
    She frowned. “But it’s on my buck­et list.”
    Oh, Jesus. I was almost afraid to ask, but… “You have a buck­et
    Brid­get nod­ded. “For before I return to Eldor­ra.” She ticked off
    the items on her fin­gers. “One, go some­place where no one knows or
    cares who I am. Two, eat and read and sun­bathe all day with­out hav-
    ing to wor­ry about an event lat­er or wak­ing up ear­ly the next day.
    Three, do an adren­a­line rush activ­i­ty my grand­fa­ther will yell at me
    for, like bungee jump­ing. And four, have an orgasm I didn’t give
    myself.” Her shoul­ders slumped. “It’s been a while.”
    Fuck. Now the men­tal image of Brid­get giv­ing her­self an orgasm
    would for­ev­er be etched in my mind.
    I scrubbed a hand over my face. How the hell did I get myself
    into this sit­u­a­tion? The night had gone so far off the rails I couldn’t
    see the tracks any­more.
    “One is prob­a­bly off the table,” Brid­get said. “But you can help
    me with four.”
    She was going to achieve some­thing nei­ther my moth­er nor the
    mil­i­tary had. She was going to kill me.
    “Go to bed,” I said in a strained voice. “Alone. You’re drunk, and
    it’s late.”
    Brid­get stared at my groin, where my obvi­ous arousal tent­ed my
    pants. “But—”
    “No.” I need­ed to get out of there. Stat. “No buts. You’ll thank me
    in the morn­ing.”
    Before she could protest fur­ther, I left and head­ed straight to my
    bath­room, where I took the world’s longest, cold­est show­er. It did
    noth­ing to slake the heat of my arousal. Nei­ther did fist­ing my cock
    until I reached a whol­ly unsat­is­fy­ing orgasm.


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