Cover of Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Twisted Games by Ana Huang is a captivating, steamy romance that follows the intense, forbidden love story between a princess and her bodyguard. Filled with sizzling chemistry, emotional depth, and plenty of twists, this book explores themes of power, trust, and love against a backdrop of royal intrigue. Perfect for fans of contemporary romance with strong, complex characters and a thrilling plot.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.

    Some peo­ple have shit­ty days or shit­ty weeks. I’d had a shit­ty
    Things between me and Brid­get had been chilly since she told me
    she was mov­ing back to Eldor­ra, and I hat­ed that was how we were
    spend­ing our last days togeth­er.
    Our last days togeth­er.
    My chest clenched at the thought, but I forced myself to ignore it
    and focus on the task at hand. I was still on the clock. We had a week
    left in New York. After that, I would accom­pa­ny her back to Athen-
    berg, where I would stay anoth­er week until her new guard ful­ly
    tran­si­tioned into the role.
    We didn’t know who the new guy would be yet, but I already
    hat­ed him…though not as much as I hat­ed the guy Brid­get was
    danc­ing with right now.
    We were in the VIP room of Bor­gia, a fan­cy night­club in down-
    town Man­hat­tan, and Brid­get had her arms wrapped around the
    pret­ty-boy douche who’d been ogling her all night. I rec­og­nized him
    —Vin­cent Hauz, an elec­tron­ics heir and noto­ri­ous wom­an­iz­er who
    spent the major­i­ty of his days drink­ing, par­ty­ing, and keep­ing the
    city’s drug deal­ers flush with cash. He and Brid­get had attend­ed a
    few of the same events in the past.
    I’d nev­er want­ed to rip his arms off until now.
    A per­son only had to look at his face to know what kind of
    thoughts were run­ning through his mind, and they had noth­ing to
    do with danc­ing. At least, not the ver­ti­cal kind.
    My blood burned as Brid­get laughed at some­thing Vin­cent said. I
    was pos­i­tive he wasn’t capa­ble of say­ing any­thing wit­ty even if
    some­one threat­ened to take his inher­i­tance away, but Brid­get was
    also drunk. She’d already downed two cock­tails and five shots—I’d
    counted—and I could spot the alco­hol-induced flush on her cheeks
    from across the room.
    She wore a sparkling sil­ver dress that bare­ly cov­ered her bot­tom
    and a pair of lethal-look­ing heels that trans­formed her from tall to
    Ama­zon­ian. Tou­sled gold­en hair, long legs, skin gleam­ing with a
    faint sheen of sweat—she was mag­nif­i­cent. And not her­self.
    Nor­mal Brid­get would’ve nev­er worn a dress like that—not be-
    cause she couldn’t, but because it wasn’t her style—but she’d been
    act­ing strange since that night on the rooftop. Wilder, less inhib­it­ed,
    and more prone to ques­tion­able deci­sions.
    Case in point: Vin­cent Hauz. She didn’t like the guy. She’d said
    so her­self one time, and yet there she was, cozy­ing up to him.
    He pulled her clos­er and slid his hand down her back to cup her
    Before I knew what I was doing, I’d shoved my way across the
    dance floor and clamped my hand on Vincent’s shoul­der tight
    enough he flinched and pulled back from Brid­get to see who the in-
    ter­lop­er was.
    “Can I help you?” His tone dripped with dis­dain as he looked me
    over, obvi­ous­ly unim­pressed by my lack of design­er clothes and fan-
    cy acces­sories.
    Tough shit. Maybe he’d be more impressed by my fist in his face.
    “Yes.” I bared my teeth in a sem­blance of a smile. “Remove your
    hands from her before I remove them for you.”
    “And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?” Vin­cent
    The man who’s about to pum­mel your face into a pulp.
    Before I could respond, Brid­get cut in. “No one.” She glared at
    me. “I’m fine. Go back to your post.”
    The hell I will.
    If Brid­get were any­one but my client, I’d drag her into the bath-
    room, bend her over, and spank her ass raw for her inso­lent tone.
    Instead, I glared back at her, striv­ing to keep my tem­per under
    She want­ed to par­ty? Fine. She want­ed to give me the cold shoul-
    der? Fine. But over my dead body would she have any­thing to do
    with Vin­cent fuck­ing Hauz. The man must be crawl­ing with STDs.
    Vincent’s eyes ping-ponged between us before real­iza­tion
    dawned. “You’re the body­guard!” He snapped his fin­gers. “Dude,
    you should’ve said so. Don’t wor­ry.” He wrapped an arm around
    Bridget’s waist and pulled her clos­er with a leer­ing smile. “I’ll take
    good care of her.”
    Fuck pum­mel­ing his face. I want­ed to knock all his teeth out.
    Unfor­tu­nate­ly, that would cause a scene, and rule num­ber one of
    body­guard­ing, as Brid­get called it, was not to cause a scene. So, I did
    the next best thing. I tight­ened the grip I still had on his shoul­der un-
    til I heard a small crack above the music.
    Vin­cent yelped and released Brid­get, his face awash with pain.
    “What the fuck, man?”
    “What did I say about remov­ing your hands from her?” I asked
    “You’re insane,” he sput­tered. “Brid­get, who is this guy? Fire
    I ignored him and turned to Brid­get. “It’s time to go, Your High-
    ness.” We were attract­ing atten­tion, which was the last thing I want-
    ed, but fuck if I was going to let this creep take advan­tage of her.
    “You have an ear­ly morn­ing tomor­row.”
    She didn’t. I was giv­ing her an out—one she didn’t take.
    “Good idea.” Brid­get brushed off my warn­ing stare and placed a
    hand on Vincent’s chest. My pulse beat an angry drum­beat beneath
    my col­lar. “I’ll leave with Vin­cent. You can take the rest of the night
    “You heard her.” Vin­cent wrenched him­self from my grasp and
    took a step behind Brid­get. Cow­ard. “Get out­ta here. I’ll bring her
    home in the morn­ing.” He ran his eyes over Bridget’s chest and bare
    legs, his gaze lech­er­ous.
    The man didn’t have a sin­gle brain cell in his over-inflat­ed head.
    If he did, he would be run­ning for his life right now.
    “Wrong. This is what you’re going to do.” I kept my voice friend-
    ly. Con­ver­sa­tion­al. But beneath the polite veneer ran a razor-sharp
    blade of steel. “You’re going to turn around, walk away, and nev­er
    speak, touch, or so much as look in her direc­tion again. Con­sid­er this
    your first and final warn­ing, Mr. Hauz.”
    I knew his name. He knew I knew his name. And if he was stu-
    pid enough to ignore my warn­ing, I would hunt him down, rip off
    his balls, and feed them to him.
    Vincent’s face flushed a mot­tled pur­ple. “Are you threat­en­ing
    I loomed over him, rel­ish­ing the fear that skit­tered through his
    eyes. “Yes.”
    “Don’t lis­ten to him,” Brid­get said through grit­ted teeth. “He
    doesn’t know what he’s talk­ing about.”
    Vin­cent took anoth­er step back, ooz­ing hatred, but the fear in his
    eyes remained. “What­ev­er. I’m over this shit.” He stormed away and
    dis­ap­peared into the crowd of drunk­en par­ty­go­ers.
    Brid­get spun toward me. “What is your prob­lem?”
    “My prob­lem is you’re act­ing like a drunk, spoiled brat,” I
    snapped. “You’re so shit-faced you have no idea what you’re doing.”
    “I know exact­ly what I’m doing.” She stared up at me, all fire and
    defi­ance, and heat curled inside me. I didn’t know what it was about
    her anger that turned me on so much. Maybe it was because it was
    one of the few times I could see her and not the mask she showed the
    world. “I’m hav­ing fun, and I’m leav­ing with a guy at the end of the
    night. You can’t stop me.”
    I smiled cold­ly. “You’re right. You are leav­ing with a guy. Me.”
    “No, I’m not.” Brid­get crossed her arms over her chest.
    “You have two options.” I leaned in close enough to smell her
    per­fume. “You can either walk out of here with me like an adult, or I
    can throw you over my shoul­der and car­ry you out of here like a
    child. Which one will it be, princess?”
    She wasn’t the only one pissed tonight.
    I was pissed she’d spent the last half hour let­ting a weasel­ly fuck-
    er put his hands all over her. I was pissed we were fight­ing when we
    had two weeks left togeth­er. Most of all, I was pissed at how much I
    want­ed her when I couldn’t have her.
    If there was one thing her move back to Eldor­ra made clear, it
    was that our rela­tion­ship was a tem­po­rary one. It always had been,
    but it hadn’t hit close to home until now.
    At the end of the day, she was a princess, and I was the guy
    they’d hired until they didn’t need me any­more.
    Crim­son stained Bridget’s high cheek­bones. “You wouldn’t
    “Try me.”
    “You for­get you’re not the boss here, Mr. Larsen.”
    The tem­per­a­ture of my smile dropped anoth­er ten degrees. “You
    want to test that the­o­ry?”
    Her lips thinned. For a sec­ond, I thought she might stay just to
    spite me. Then, with­out say­ing a word or so much as look­ing at me,
    she pushed past me and walked toward the exit, her shoul­ders stiff. I
    fol­lowed her, my scowl dark enough to make the oth­er club­bers scat-
    ter like mar­bles before me.
    We took the first cab we found back to Bridget’s town­house, and
    it bare­ly stopped before Brid­get jumped out and sped walk to the
    front door. I paid the dri­ver and caught up with her in four strides.
    We entered the house, our foot­steps echo­ing on the wood floors.
    When we reached the sec­ond floor, Brid­get opened her bed­room
    door and tried to slam it in my face, but I wedged my arm in the gap
    before she could do so.
    “We need to talk,” I said.
    “I don’t want to talk. You’ve already ruined my night. Now leave
    me alone.”
    “Not until you tell me what the hell’s going on.” My gaze burned
    into hers, search­ing for a hint as to what was going on in that beau­ti-
    ful head of hers. “You’ve been act­ing strange for weeks. Something’s
    “Nothing’s wrong.” Brid­get gave up try­ing to bar me from her
    room and released the door. I pushed it all the way open but re-
    mained in the door­way, watch­ing. Wait­ing. “I’m twen­ty-three, Mr.
    Larsen. Twen­ty-three-year-olds go out and drink and sleep with
    A mus­cle ticked in my jaw. “Not the way you’ve been doing
    since we got back to New York.”
    Not the sleep­ing with guys part, thank God, but the going out
    and drink­ing.
    “Maybe I’m tired of liv­ing life the way I should and want to live
    life the way I could.” Brid­get removed her jew­el­ry and placed it on
    her dress­er. “My grand­fa­ther almost died. One minute he was stand-
    ing, the next he col­lapsed. What’s to say the same thing won’t hap-
    pen to me?”
    Her words held a ring of truth, but not the full truth. I knew
    every inflec­tion of her voice, every mean­ing behind every move-
    ment. There was some­thing she wasn’t telling me.
    “So, you decid­ed you want to spend your poten­tial last moment
    with Vin­cent fuck­ing Hauz?” I scoffed.
    “You don’t even know him.”
    “I know enough.”
    “Please.” Brid­get spun toward me, fury and some­thing infi­nite­ly
    sad­der glit­ter­ing in her eyes. “Every time I so much as smile at a man,
    you bull­doze your way between us like a ter­ri­to­r­i­al bear. Why is
    that, Mr. Larsen? Espe­cial­ly when you told me in no uncer­tain terms
    when we first met that you don’t get involved in your clients’ per-
    son­al lives.”
    I didn’t answer, but my jaw con­tin­ued to tick in rhythm with my
    pulse. Tick. Tick. Tick. A bomb wait­ing to go off and blow up our lives
    as knew it.
    “Maybe…” Bridget’s expres­sion turned con­tem­pla­tive as she
    took a step toward me. Mis­take num­ber one. “You want to be in their
    place.” She smiled, but the haunt­ed look remained in her eyes. “Do
    you want me, Mr. Larsen? The princess and the body­guard. It would
    make a nice sto­ry for your bud­dies.”
    Mis­take num­ber two.
    “You want to stop talk­ing now, Your High­ness,” I said soft­ly.
    “And be very, very care­ful what you do next.”
    “Why?” Brid­get took anoth­er step toward me, then anoth­er, until
    she was less than a foot away. “I’m not afraid of you. Every­one else
    is, but I’m not.” She placed her hand on my chest.
    Mis­take num­ber three.
    Her gasp hadn’t ful­ly left her throat before I spun her around and
    bent her over the near­by dress­er, one hand grip­ping her chin and
    forc­ing her head back while the oth­er closed around her throat. My
    cock pressed into her ass, hard and angry.
    I’d been on edge all night. Hell, I’d been on edge for two years.
    The moment Brid­get von Ascheberg entered my life, I’d been on a
    count­down to destruc­tion, and tonight might just be the night every-
    thing went to hell.
    “You should be, princess. You wan­na know why?” I growled.
    “Because you’re right. I do want you. But I don’t want to kiss or
    make love to you. I want to fuck you. I want to pun­ish you for
    mouthing off and let­ting anoth­er man put his hands on you. I want
    to yank up that tiny fuck­ing dress of yours and pound into you so


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