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    In Chapter XII of “The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants,” education on Mars is portrayed as a holistic system that emphasizes spiritual development alongside vocational training and scientific learning. Education extends until the age of 16 Martian years, equivalent to 32 Earth years, given Mars’s longer year duration. The curriculum originates from home education and transitions into specialized university instruction focusing on developing spiritual gifts alongside intellectual knowledge. This approach ensures that each individual is well-prepared for their chosen vocation, determined through a scientific process that ensures the well-being of both the individual and the community.

    The Martian education system fosters an environment where no task is deemed menial, promoting unity and harmony across their industrial system. Workdays last six hours, with the remaining time dedicated to recreational activities that further spiritual and personal growth. The Martians believe in the significance of spiritual development for both life on Mars and preparation for the afterlife, emphasizing the importance of coming into harmony with God to inherit his kingdom perpetually.

    Marriage and the rearing of children are treated with special care, pushing for spiritual compatibility to ensure lifelong partnerships devoid of domestic turmoil, contrasting with Earth’s approach to marriage which is criticized for its focus on material and physical satisfaction. The Martians have a comprehensive educational system that includes domestic science and the study of matter and energy, highlighting differences in food preparation due to Mars’s lower atmospheric pressure. The Martian emphasis on limited consumption and efficient use of resources reflects their respect for physical and spiritual sustenance.

    Martians harness cosmic energy directly, utilizing advanced technology that far surpasses Earth’s methods in both efficiency and environmental impact. This energy, drawn from an infinite cosmic reservoir, underscores their understanding of the universe’s divine essence. Their society prioritizes intuition and personal skill over reliance on machinery, warning against the potential for degeneration seen on other planets and positing as a cautionary tale for Earth.

    This chapter reveals a civilization where education, vocational training, and spiritual development are interwoven, crafting individuals who are not only skilled in their professions but are also spiritually enlightened beings, deeply connected with the divine energy that sustains their society and the universe at large.


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