Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin

    In Chap­ter XIV, the nar­ra­tor reflects on the unique tal­ents of the Beau­mont fam­i­ly, acknowl­edg­ing that their dif­fer­ences are intrin­sic to their iden­ti­ty. The nar­ra­tor recalls a for­ma­tive expe­ri­ence with Grand­pa, who explained the family’s extra­or­di­nary abil­i­ties short­ly after the loss of Grand­ma Dol­lop. Grand­pa shared sto­ries of their ances­tors and how their spe­cial “savvies” were inher­it­ed, much like phys­i­cal traits. He illus­trat­ed this by recount­ing tales of var­i­ous rel­a­tives, some of whom used their tal­ents for good while oth­ers, like Grand­ma Dol­lop’s sis­ter Jubilee, wast­ed hers on theft.

    Grand­pa empha­sized that a savvy isn’t super­nat­ur­al but rather an innate gift that man­i­fests along with the chal­lenges of fam­i­ly life. The nar­ra­tor notes how her moth­er, Mom­ma, believed that many ordi­nary peo­ple pos­sess savvies but fail to rec­og­nize them, with exam­ples illus­trat­ing diverse skills such as mak­ing excep­tion­al jam or avoid­ing mos­qui­to bites. The under­stand­ing of savvies evolved; they were not mere­ly pecu­liar tal­ents but more of a dis­tinct kind of know-how.

    As the nar­ra­tor con­vers­es with Will Junior, explain­ing their family’s gen­er­al char­ac­ter­is­tics, she high­lights the com­mon thread—the Beau­monts are like oth­ers but have unique abil­i­ties that make their expe­ri­ences dis­tinct. Yet, when pressed for specifics about her savvy, the nar­ra­tor hes­i­tates, recall­ing famil­ial rules about dis­cre­tion and shar­ing only with those they trust the most.

    The nar­ra­tive tran­si­tions to a moment from the past when the narrator’s par­ents met dur­ing a car­ni­val. Mom­ma, who was effort­less­ly skilled at toss­ing rings, intrigued Pop­pa, lead­ing to an amus­ing exchange filled with charm­ing ban­ter. This fur­ther show­cas­es the fam­i­ly’s delight­ful mix of tal­ents and quirks. The chap­ter cul­mi­nates in the present as the bus ride reveals ten­sions between the boys, hint­ing at the nar­ra­tor’s desire for peace and the loom­ing dynam­ics of her spe­cial fam­i­ly lega­cy, all as they nav­i­gate the com­plex­i­ties of their lives amid ordi­nary events.


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    Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin

    In New Orleans, Louisiana, on May 1, 1984, a deeply poignant and cli­mac­tic scene unfolds between Addie and Luc. Amidst the soft glow of can­dles and the encroach­ing night, Addie finds her­self enveloped in Luc’s hold, a moment that feels like a bit­ter sem­blance of home and love. How­ev­er, this inti­ma­cy belies a tumul­tuous real­i­ty; Addie has for­got­ten the essen­tial truth—that Luc, the enti­ty she lies with, is far from human, and their life togeth­er is built on a pre­car­i­ous arrange­ment, a sub­tle war­fare masked in affec­tion.

    Luc’s seduc­tive whis­pers and the decep­tive offer of free­dom under new terms tempt Addie, but she remains wary of his inten­tions. The con­cept of ‘sur­ren­der’ strikes her with a chill­ing real­iza­tion. The word, once a demand Luc cease­less­ly imposed, had ceased when his strate­gies evolved, mis­tak­ing her for peace. The dia­logue inten­si­fies as Addie con­fronts Luc about the nature of their rela­tion­ship, rec­og­niz­ing the futil­i­ty of expect­ing reci­procity from the mon­ster Luc tru­ly is. His brief moment of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty swift­ly morphs into cold acknowl­edg­ment of their nev­er-end­ing game.

    As the con­fronta­tion esca­lates, the inevitabil­i­ty of their clash, cen­turies in the mak­ing, becomes clear. Addie, in a moment of defi­ance, pos­si­bly caus­es a fire—whether by acci­dent or Luc’s allowance is uncer­tain. The ensu­ing blaze con­sumes the house, sym­bol­iz­ing the cul­mi­na­tion of their strug­gle and the destruc­tion of anoth­er era in Addie’s life.

    This chap­ter por­trays the trag­ic cul­mi­na­tion of Addie and Luc’s rela­tion­ship, marked by betray­al, rev­e­la­tions, and an irre­versible con­clu­sion. Their sto­ry, a tes­ta­ment to the com­plex­i­ties of love entan­gled with manip­u­la­tion, cul­mi­nates in a dra­mat­ic con­fronta­tion lead­ing to the phys­i­cal and metaphor­i­cal burn­ing of bridges, leav­ing Addie once again amidst the ash­es of her shat­tered expec­ta­tions.


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    Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin

    On July 4, 2014, in New York City, Addie and Hen­ry join a group on Robbie’s build­ing rooftop to watch fire­works illu­mi­nat­ing the Man­hat­tan sky­line. Amidst the com­mu­nal cel­e­bra­tion, the heat of sum­mer is pal­pa­ble, affect­ing every­one’s mood and ener­gy lev­els, includ­ing Henry’s, who seems dis­tanced and reflec­tive through­out the evening. The chap­ter vivid­ly cap­tures the swel­ter­ing atmos­phere, the sim­ple joy of shared moments, and the under­cur­rents of per­son­al strug­gles and con­nec­tions.

    Hen­ry’s unusu­al detach­ment wor­ries Addie. Ear­li­er, their day was spent seek­ing respite from the heat, an attempt marred by exhaus­tion and a sti­fling atmos­phere that damp­ened their spir­its. Robbie’s entrance with ice pops momen­tar­i­ly uplifts every­one, pro­vid­ing Addie with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with him, despite his ini­tial hes­i­ta­tion due to his lack of mem­o­ry of her. She skill­ful­ly nav­i­gates the con­ver­sa­tion, express­ing keen inter­est in Robbie’s act­ing endeav­ors, par­tic­u­lar­ly his upcom­ing role in a unique spin­off of Faust.

    Despite the fes­tiv­i­ties and her brief suc­cess with Rob­bie, Addie remains con­cerned for Hen­ry, find­ing him iso­lat­ed and intro­spec­tive in a dim­ly lit cor­ner of the roof. His eva­sive­ness and the haunt­ed expres­sion he wears sig­nal deep­er issues that Addie sens­es but can­not deci­pher. The night pro­gress­es with an inti­mate moment between them that tem­porar­i­ly eras­es the ten­sion. They seek solace from the heat in a cold bath, where Hen­ry inquires about the ori­gins of Addie’s secre­cy regard­ing her iden­ti­ty, prompt­ing a reflec­tive dis­course on her curse and the painful iso­la­tion it brings.

    This chap­ter intri­cate­ly weaves the themes of mem­o­ry, iden­ti­ty, and the human yearn­ing for con­nec­tion against the back­drop of a typ­i­cal New York sum­mer cel­e­bra­tion. The jux­ta­po­si­tion of vibrant com­mu­nal joy with per­son­al, invis­i­ble strug­gles under­scores the com­plex tapes­try of human expe­ri­ences. Addie’s curse, embody­ing both a metaphor­i­cal and lit­er­al era­sure, high­lights the pro­found agony of being unseen and the intri­cate dance of reveal­ing one’s true self to oth­ers.


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    Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin

    In Brook­lyn, amidst its pletho­ra of cof­fee shops, Hen­ry encoun­ters an unwel­come blast from his roman­tic past. He’s been avoid­ing Roast—the scene of the so-called “Great Fire of 2013,” a nick­name giv­en by Rob­bie to the dra­mat­ic breakup with Vanes­sa. Order­ing a lat­te from Patrick, a straight­for­ward barista with a neu­tral demeanor, Hen­ry’s sense of nor­mal­cy is shat­tered by the famil­iar voice of Tabitha. The mere men­tion of his name in her tone sends him spi­ral­ing back to a painful rejec­tion.

    Fac­ing her for the first time since their breakup, Hen­ry notes the sub­tle changes in Tabitha—her longer hair, the matu­ri­ty in her poise rem­i­nis­cent of a dancer’s grace. Despite his desire to retreat, he finds him­self phys­i­cal­ly unable to move away, entrapped not just by the sit­u­a­tion but by the mem­o­ries of what they once shared. Tabitha’s smile, once a trea­sured reward, now seems freely offered, yet it’s enveloped in a melan­choly veil, hint­ing at what was lost.

    “I’ve missed you,” Tabitha con­fess­es, a sen­ti­ment echoed sin­cere­ly by Hen­ry. Their brief exchange under­scores a mutu­al nos­tal­gia for the shared past, jux­ta­posed against the cur­rent back­drop of their sep­a­rate lives. This encounter, laden with unre­solved feel­ings and unspo­ken regrets, high­lights a poignant moment of recon­nec­tion and reflec­tion amidst the hus­tle of New York City life.


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    Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin

    Cer­tain­ly, let’s sum­ma­rize the pro­vid­ed chap­ter with­in the spec­i­fied con­straints.

    In New York City, on a brisk evening of March 13, 2014, Hen­ry Strauss finds him­self nav­i­gat­ing his way home through the envelop­ing dark­ness. The streets, silent and uninvit­ing, offer him com­pa­ny as he treks alone, immersed in thought. Amid the qui­et of the night, a name echoes in his mind, rever­ber­at­ing with a sig­nif­i­cance that seems to momen­tar­i­ly light­en his soli­tude – Addie. The name stirs with­in him, rolling off his tongue as he con­tem­plates its bear­er. Addie, who had looked upon him with a gaze devoid of pre­sump­tion, rec­og­niz­ing only the boy marked by his dark hair, kind eyes, and an open, earnest demeanor.

    Despite the chill that per­vades the air, Hen­ry finds a rea­son to smile. A sud­den gust of cold wind prompts him to tight­en his coat around him­self, seek­ing refuge from the nip­py air that bites at his skin. He rais­es his eyes to the heav­ens, find­ing the sky bereft of stars, yet this absence does noth­ing to damp­en his spir­its. In this moment of soli­tude, under the vast, emp­ty sky, Hen­ry’s thoughts linger on Addie—an anchor in the soli­tude that spans the city’s dark­ened, silent expanse.

    This chap­ter, draw­ing a vivid pic­ture of a sin­gu­lar moment, cap­tures the essence of Hen­ry’s night­time jour­ney through the city. It’s a reflec­tion of soli­tude, intro­spec­tion, and the unex­pect­ed warmth that mem­o­ries of a cer­tain indi­vid­ual can bring, even in the cold­est of nights. Through the sim­plic­i­ty of this chap­ter, the nar­ra­tive man­ages to con­vey depth in Hen­ry’s character—a young man walk­ing alone, yet car­ry­ing with him the light of a cher­ished inter­ac­tion, sym­bol­ized by the repeat­ed invo­ca­tion of Addie’s name against the back­drop of a star­less New York City night.


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    Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin

    July 30, 1714, marks a sig­nif­i­cant day in Ade­line LaRue’s life, as she leaves her vil­lage of Vil­lon-sur-Sarthe, France, embark­ing on a jour­ney marked by both phys­i­cal and exis­ten­tial chal­lenges. Her des­ti­na­tion is the walled city of Le Mans, a place beyond her famil­iar con­fines, mark­ing the far­thest she has ever ven­tured, espe­cial­ly alone. The nar­ra­tive fol­lows Ade­line’s ardu­ous jour­ney on foot, wear­ing ill-fit­ting boots stuffed with socks to accom­mo­date her small­er feet, a mea­sure born from neces­si­ty rather than com­fort. Despite the phys­i­cal toll of her jour­ney, evi­denced by the antic­i­pa­to­ry dis­com­fort of blis­ters and the heat of the sun, Ade­line finds moments of refuge, such as the con­sump­tion of fruit from an orchard, which pro­vides a tem­po­rary respite from her hunger and fatigue.

    As the day turns to night, Ade­line’s phys­i­cal and men­tal exhaus­tion is jux­ta­posed with a height­ened sense of self and a bur­geon­ing real­iza­tion of the pecu­liar­i­ties of her exis­tence. Notably, upon inspect­ing her feet, she dis­cov­ers that despite the antic­i­pat­ed dam­age from her jour­ney, her skin remains unblem­ished, an anom­aly that extends to the absence of sun­burn despite pro­longed sun expo­sure. This rev­e­la­tion serves as one of the many pecu­liar instances that dif­fer­en­ti­ate her expe­ri­ence from that of oth­ers.

    Ade­line’s reflec­tions are not sole­ly focused on her phys­i­cal state but delve into a deep­er con­tem­pla­tion of her iden­ti­ty, desires, and the con­se­quences of her choic­es. She recalls the sig­nif­i­cant influ­ences in her life, such as Estele, who intro­duced her to the gods and impart­ed wis­dom that now threads through her con­scious­ness. Amidst her soli­tude, she con­fronts the real­i­ties of her con­di­tion, marked by a blend of free­dom and iso­la­tion, attrib­ut­es encap­su­lat­ed by her inabil­i­ty to leave a last­ing impact on her sur­round­ings and the mys­te­ri­ous preser­va­tion of her phys­i­cal state against the wear of time and nature.

    The chap­ter clos­es with Ade­line’s poignant real­iza­tion of her soli­tary jour­ney in a world that seems both famil­iar and alien, a world where she can nav­i­gate and observe but remains fun­da­men­tal­ly detached, under­scored by her repeat­ed affir­ma­tion of her iden­ti­ty. This affir­ma­tion, set against the back­drop of her encoun­ters and the vivid land­scapes she tra­vers­es, under­scores a nar­ra­tive of resilience, the search for iden­ti­ty, and the para­dox­i­cal nature of free­dom and belong­ing.


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    Cover of Savvy


    by LovelyMay

    In Chap­ter XIV of “The Com­ing Race,” the author explores the philo­soph­i­cal and the­o­log­i­cal beliefs of the Vril-ya regard­ing the nature of the Supreme Being and the exis­tence of evil. The Vril-ya hold a unique posi­tion on life and its con­tin­u­a­tion beyond death, which diverges from com­mon notions of metempsy­chosis. They believe that life, once giv­en, is eter­nal, tran­si­tion­ing into new and improved forms but not on this plan­et. This belief extends to all liv­ing things, sug­gest­ing a con­tin­u­ous pro­gres­sion and improve­ment in joy and con­scious­ness across life­times.

    Cen­tral to their phi­los­o­phy is the res­o­lu­tion of the prob­lem of evil, posit­ing that what might appear as injus­tice in the mor­tal realm is rec­ti­fied in the broad­er and eter­nal jour­ney of life. The Vril-ya argue against the notion of a Supreme Being who oper­ates through imper­son­al laws that result in suf­fer­ing or injus­tice. Instead, they sug­gest a mod­el of divine jus­tice that is indi­vid­u­al­ized, extend­ing beyond mere human con­cerns to encom­pass all forms of life, whether ani­mal or plant. This cos­mol­o­gy under­scores an all-encom­pass­ing jus­tice that stems from the Supreme Being’s omni­science, benev­o­lence, and omnipo­tence, ensur­ing that no suf­fer­ing is in vain and that all beings are part of a grand, eter­nal scheme of improve­ment.

    This the­o­log­i­cal belief sys­tem rein­forces their soci­etal norms, which fea­ture equal­i­ty, gen­tle­ness in rela­tions, and a respect­ful stew­ard­ship of all life forms. The notion that every liv­ing enti­ty, no mat­ter how small, has a place in the divine plan, con­tributes to the Vril-ya’s com­pas­sion­ate and egal­i­tar­i­an social struc­ture. The chap­ter thus not only elu­ci­dates the Vril-ya’s spir­i­tu­al beliefs but also illus­trates how these beliefs man­i­fest in their polit­i­cal and social sys­tems, cre­at­ing a soci­ety that, while rec­og­niz­ing dif­fer­ences in wealth, adheres to prin­ci­ples of equal respect and kind­ness.

    This fas­ci­nat­ing glimpse into the Vril-ya’s world­view pro­vides a com­pelling con­trast to the sur­face world’s philoso­phies, encour­ag­ing reflec­tion on the nature of jus­tice, the prob­lem of evil, and the poten­tial for a soci­ety built on such an enlight­ened under­stand­ing of the divine and its cre­ation.


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