Cover of Something Wicked This Way Comes

    Something Wicked This Way Comes

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury follows two boys, Jim and Will, as they encounter a mysterious traveling carnival that brings dark and supernatural forces to their town. As they confront the sinister power behind the carnival, they must battle fear and temptation to protect themselves and their loved ones.

    At dawn, a storm swept through the town, its thun­der rever­ber­at­ing against the heav­ens as rain pat­tered down on rooftops. Jim and Will found them­selves in a fit­ful sleep, haunt­ed by dreams that seemed craft­ed from dark fab­ric. Amidst this, the car­ni­val grounds stirred; the carousel awak­ened with a dis­cor­dant melody, hint­ing at its return to life, like­ly heard by only one per­son in town—Miss Foley, who hur­ried away upon hear­ing it.

    As rain poured hard­er, Jim and Will sought solace in their homes, con­vers­ing qui­et­ly about past events. Dressed in rain gear, Jim stepped out­side into the gloomy Sun­day before slow­ly mak­ing his way towards Will’s house. When Will joined him, they walked with heavy thoughts, reflect­ing on unset­tling mys­ter­ies from the pre­vi­ous night. Jim broke the silence, recount­ing a dream about an omi­nous parade fea­tur­ing a cof­fin, which he imag­ined to be as long as forty feet. This led them to humor­ous dis­cus­sions about bal­loons and funer­als, but an unset­tling air hung above.

    Their con­ver­sa­tion turned seri­ous as they approached an emp­ty lot dom­i­nat­ed by a tow­er­ing oak tree, where they heard a girl weep­ing. Despite Jim’s reser­va­tions about a girl cry­ing in the rain, Will, com­pelled by the sound, ven­tured towards the tree and dis­cov­ered a dis­tressed lit­tle girl, unable to stop cry­ing. She sought help, cling­ing to them in des­per­a­tion. Jim recoiled, insist­ing they didn’t know her, while Will felt increas­ing­ly drawn to the girl’s plight.

    Will com­posed him­self and promised the girl they would return with help, acknowl­edg­ing her famil­iar eyes despite Jim’s protests. Jim felt a mix­ture of dis­be­lief and frus­tra­tion, while Will point­ed out the dif­fer­ences he noticed rem­i­nis­cent of their pre­vi­ous encoun­ters with the sin­is­ter car­ni­val. They real­ized Miss Foley was in dan­ger, pos­si­bly caught in the clutch­es of the car­ni­val.

    As they strate­gized about the urgent need to assist the girl, they were dis­tract­ed by the boom­ing sounds of the carnival—clowns, music, and the stir­ring aura of an approach­ing parade. The boys felt the grav­i­ty of their sit­u­a­tion as they rushed to hide, hop­ing to pro­tect the girl beneath the oak. Upon return­ing, their search turned to dread as they found the spot under the tree emp­ty, prompt­ing them to hide even deep­er with­in the town as wor­ry seeped in about the girl’s fate .


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