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    Wait­ing ai


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    by testsuphomeAdmin

    Wait­ing ai


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    Wait­ing ai


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    by testsuphomeAdmin

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    Wait­ing ai


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    by LovelyMay

    Mugam­bi, once a cap­tive, strug­gles through a chal­leng­ing jun­gle ter­rain, fac­ing hunger, thirst, and the threat of preda­tors. He man­ages to sur­vive and decides to rest in a new­ly found fruit­ful area, intend­ing to regain his strength for his jour­ney back to Waziri. He crafts a shel­ter and hunts, main­tain­ing a sem­blance of strength.

    Mean­while, Chulk, an ape with an inter­est in mim­ic­k­ing humans, observes Mugam­bi. Chulk, dis­in­ter­est­ed in the burnoose he pre­vi­ous­ly acquired from Tarzan, now cov­ets Mugam­bi’s sim­pler appar­el. Seiz­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty, Chulk steals Mugam­bi’s pouch and knob-stick while the weary man sleeps. The theft goes unno­ticed until Mugam­bi awak­ens, trig­ger­ing a blend of super­sti­tion and real­iza­tion when he dis­cov­ers the thief’s foot­prints.

    In a dif­fer­ent per­il, Jane Clay­ton finds her­self at the cru­el mer­cy of Numa, a for­mi­da­ble lion. After a ter­ri­fy­ing ordeal with Taglat, a mali­cious ape intent on harm­ing her, Jane believes death is inevitable when Numa dis­cov­ers her. How­ev­er, a stroke of luck frees her from her bind­ings, offer­ing a glim­mer of hope despite the dire cir­cum­stances.

    Cun­ning­ly, Jane attempts to escape by tak­ing advan­tage of Numa’s tem­po­rary dis­trac­tion. Her attempt to flee to the safe­ty of a tree is fraught with dan­ger, but she man­ages it just as the lion pounces. Although she finds tem­po­rary safe­ty in the tree, her chal­lenges are far from over. Hunger, thirst, and the pres­ence of preda­tors below promise a night of uncer­tain­ty.

    The next morn­ing, with Numa and the hye­nas gone, Jane embarks on her jour­ney, des­per­ate to find the Waziri or some sem­blance of civ­i­liza­tion. Encoun­ter­ing gun­shots, she sus­pects a bat­tle between the Waziri and Arab raiders. Cau­tious­ly, she choos­es con­ceal­ment over risk­ing an encounter with poten­tial ene­mies.

    Her cau­tion proves wise when she rec­og­nizes M. Jules Fre­coult, a recent acquain­tance, being stalked by an Arab. Despite her relief at see­ing a famil­iar face, she remains hid­den, wit­ness­ing a silent con­fronta­tion that sug­gests a com­plex web of inten­tions and dan­gers in the jun­gle’s heart.


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