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    by LovelyMay

    He halt­ed a moment, sniff­ing the air, then with the swift­ness of a jun­gle cat, changed his direc­tion and moved stealth­ily toward the spot where the ape and the woman were. As he approached, he heard the sav­age mut­ter­ings of the great ape and the soft whim­per­ing of the woman.

    The sight which met his eyes as he stepped into the clear­ing sent him into a fury. The great anthro­poid had man­aged to sev­er Jane’s bonds, and now, as Tarzan appeared, the ape seemed to con­sid­er the unbound woman as its prize, stand­ing defen­sive­ly between Jane and the approach­ing Tarzan. With a roar that was part bes­tial and part the rage of man, Tarzan charged. The great ape, real­iz­ing per­haps its mis­take in defy­ing this new and mighty jun­gle crea­ture, turned to flee, but not before Tarzan had crashed into it, tum­bling it to the earth where the two grap­pled amidst leaves and dirt.

    The strug­gle was vio­lent but brief, as Tarzan’s supe­ri­or agili­ty and strength over­came the ape. With a final, mighty punch, the ape lay still. Tarzan then turned to Jane, his fiercest expres­sions soft­en­ing into con­cern. Jane, recov­er­ing her sens­es after the ter­ri­fy­ing expe­ri­ence with the ape, found her­self star­ing into the eyes of her res­cuer, not rec­og­niz­ing him in his enraged state. He reached out to her, speak­ing soft­ly, reas­sur­ing her with gen­tle words. He checked her for injuries, his touch­es ten­der, a stark con­trast to the sav­age feroc­i­ty with which he had fought off her attack­er. Assured she was unharmed, Tarzan then turned his atten­tion back to the mat­ter of their
    imme­di­ate secu­ri­ty.

    Aware that the jun­gle at night held many dan­gers, and that their pres­ence had like­ly been detect­ed by the sounds of the con­flict, Tarzan
    decid­ed they must move. With effort­less strength, he lift­ed Jane into his arms and sprint­ed into the dense foliage, away from the scene of their encounter. The night was filled with the sounds of the jun­gle, but under Tarzan’s guid­ance, they moved silent­ly, almost as part of the night itself. Jane, held secure­ly in his arms, watched the play of moon­light through the leaves, won­der­ing at the strange turn of events that had brought her into the care of this wild, fierce pro­tec­tor. Despite the dan­ger, she felt a strange sense of safe­ty with­in the cir­cle of his arms.

    As they moved fur­ther away from the dan­ger zone, Jane’s thoughts drift­ed to the future. With Tarzan by her side, she felt an unspo­ken promise of pro­tec­tion and, per­haps, a way out of her dire sit­u­a­tion. Yet, as the jun­gle enveloped them, she knew there were still many chal­lenges ahead. But for now, in the qui­et embrace of the jun­gle night, those wor­ries seemed
    a life­time away.


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