In chapter 14 of “Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar,” La, despite her conflicted feelings, finds herself relying on and falling deeper in love with Tarzan during their perilous journey through the jungle. Her complex emotions towards Tarzan oscillate between love and the desire for vengeance, embodying her nature as both a priestess and a passionate woman. When confronted by Tantor, Tarzan’s strength ensures their safety, cementing La’s admiration for him. Upon safely reaching the ground, La’s fears of being killed by her followers are dismissed by Tarzan, who insists on speaking with them.
Summoning her people, La faces resistance; they are reluctant to accept her back and wish to continue their pursuit of sacrificing Tarzan. However, Tarzan’s authoritative presence and negotiation lead to a compromise where La’s safety among her people is ensured, and peace between her and Tarzan is proposed. Despite some opposition, especially from Cadj, the High Priest, Tarzan’s ultimatum for La’s protection is accepted. Before Tarzan leaves, La expresses her hope for his return, revealing her deep affection for him. As Tarzan departs, reflecting on the transient nature of his encounters and the primal lifestyle he leads, La resumes her journey back to Opar with a heavy heart, yearning for Tarzan’s return.
The chapter also explores Tarzan’s relentless pursuit of the thief who stole the jewels from Opar. Using his exceptional tracking abilities, Tarzan follows the thief’s trail through the jungle, showcasing his deep connection and mastery over the natural world. Despite encountering obstacles and the passage of time, Tarzan’s determination never wavers, highlighting his dedication to reclaiming the stolen treasure.
The narrative then shifts to Tarzan’s stealthy infiltration of the thief’s village, where he employs cunning and patience to search for the stolen jewels. Despite his prowess, Tarzan encounters challenges within the village, a testament to his resourcefulness and adaptability. The chapter concludes with Tarzan discovering the thief’s scent in a tent, indicating that his quest is nearing its climax. Through these adventures, Tarzan’s primal instincts and complex emotions are juxtaposed against his noble intentions, painting a portrait of a multifaceted hero navigating the intricacies of the wild and human emotions.
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