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    by LovelyMay

    Fol­low­ing her men’s cap­ture of Tarzan, La, the High Priest­ess of Opar, decides against imme­di­ate exe­cu­tion, instead opt­ing to tor­ture and then sac­ri­fice him to their deity, the Flam­ing God. Despite their pre­vi­ous con­fronta­tions, La’s com­plex feel­ings towards Tarzan – a com­bi­na­tion of resent­ment, admi­ra­tion, and unre­quit­ed love – lead her to strug­gle with the deci­sion to con­demn him. La’s priests pre­pare a sac­ri­fi­cial altar, echo­ing ancient rit­u­als whose mean­ings have long been for­got­ten, under­scor­ing the lost city’s deep his­to­ry and dis­con­nect from the present world.

    Through­out his cap­tiv­i­ty, Tarzan dis­plays remark­able sto­icism and defi­ance in the face of death, rely­ing on his innate strength and under­stand­ing of the jun­gle for a glim­mer of hope. His calm­ness con­trasts sharply with La’s tur­moil, torn between her duties as High Priest­ess and her per­son­al desires. Even as she orders the con­struc­tion of the altar and pre­pares for the sac­ri­fice, her resolve fal­ters, reveal­ing the depth of her feel­ings for Tarzan.

    The chap­ter builds ten­sion with the immi­nent threat of Tarzan’s exe­cu­tion and the priests’ blind adher­ence to their sav­age cus­toms, high­light­ing the bar­bar­i­ty of Opar’s reli­gion com­pared to Tarzan’s more nuanced under­stand­ing of life and death. La’s inter­nal con­flict reach­es its peak as she decides against tor­tur­ing Tarzan, opt­ing instead for a swift exe­cu­tion, only to fal­ter at the last moment, unable to car­ry through with her plan due to her love for him.

    In a dra­mat­ic twist, the arrival of Tan­tor, the ele­phant, sum­moned by Tarzan’s call for help, shifts the nar­ra­tive’s direc­tion. La’s real­iza­tion of Tarzan’s plan to res­cue them and her sub­se­quent deci­sion to free him empha­sizes the theme of redemp­tion and the pow­er of love over duty. How­ev­er, Tan­tor’s ram­page, dri­ven by a fren­zy, forces Tarzan and La into a pre­car­i­ous sit­u­a­tion, high­light­ing the unpre­dictabil­i­ty of the jun­gle and the fine line between friend and foe.

    The chap­ter con­cludes with Tarzan and La in a tem­po­rary haven from Tan­tor’s rage, under­lin­ing the endur­ing bond between Tarzan and the jun­gle’s crea­tures, even in the face of mad­ness. La’s com­plex char­ac­ter is fur­ther devel­oped as she grap­ples with her duty, her peo­ple’s cus­toms, and her feel­ings for Tarzan, set­ting the stage for the con­tin­u­ing con­flict between her respon­si­bil­i­ties as High Priest­ess and her per­son­al desires.


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