Achmet Zek awaits the return of his lieutenant, Albert Werper, after capturing Jane Clayton. Mugambi, injured but driven by vengeance, has trailed the raiders back to their camp. Jane, unaware of her fate, clings to hope, trusting in Tarzan’s ability to rescue her. Meanwhile, Werper, fleeing through the jungle, returns to the camp and reports to Achmet Zek about the treasure buried by the Waziri. Planning to sell Jane in the north, Achmet Zek decides to split his forces, sending Werper with Jane to negotiate her sale while he retrieves the treasure.
As Werper prepares for his departure, he revels in the prospect of escaping with the jewels he has secretly kept from Achmet Zek. However, his self-admiration is cut short when he notices Achmet Zek’s reflection in his mirror, realizing that his betrayal has been discovered. Playing it cool, Werper goes to bed, all the while knowing that his life and treasure are in jeopardy.
Later that night, Achmet Zek enters Werper’s tent to kill him and retrieve the jewels, only to find a dummy in Werper’s bed. Enraged, Achmet Zek rallies his men to pursue the fleeing Belgian through the darkness. Unbeknownst to them, Mugambi uses this opportunity to infiltrate their camp, seeking to rescue Jane or gather intelligence that could aid in her rescue.
This chapter highlights the dangers and betrayals inherent in the quest for wealth and power among thieves and outlaws. Mugambi’s persistence and Jane’s resilience are set against the backdrop of Werper and Achmet Zek’s greed, setting the stage for a tale of adventure, treachery, and the hope of rescue.
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