by testsuphomeAdminIn this chapter, the protagonist reflects on her experiences aboard the *Drakkar*, dealing with the peculiarities of being an Expendable. While she had been prepared for dangerous situations by Jemma, the reality of a near-suicide mission is disorienting, especially when someone unexpectedly rescues her. Initially, life on the ship is monotonous; the voyage to Niflheim had been uneventful, allaying fears of impending disaster.
However, a sudden turn of events disrupts this calm. While traveling at an incredible speed, the ship collides with an unknown object, causing significant damage to the nose cone and leading to a radiation leak. The main character is called upon to replace a faulty power coupling, which she learns is critical to maintaining the ship’s shielding from lethal radiation. Donning a vacuum suit, she understands the urgency of her task, despite the terrifying conditions she faces.
The protagonist engages in a high-risk procedure to fix the unit, enduring intense pain and panic as she experiences acute radiation exposure. Her vision blurs, and her body starts deteriorating from radiation burns. Despite the dire situation, she manages to follow instructions and completes the replacement, restoring the ship’s shielding, though not without personal sacrifice. Even though she knows this is a critical experience that must be retained, she grapples with the haunting memories attached.
After uploading to a new instantiation of herself, Mickey2, the safety concerns remain, with several crew members suffering from the fallout of the radiation. She quickly learns to adapt again, getting outfitted in a vacuum suit to perform emergency repairs on the ship’s hull using nanites. The chapter concludes with the protagonist reflecting on her own limits as she achieves what feels like a minor miracle, restoring the ship while navigating the challenges of her own physical suffering and survival in the harshness of interstellar space.