Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In Chap­ter Thir­ty-Two of “If These Wings Could Fly,” the pro­tag­o­nist, Leighton, is awak­ened by a man’s harsh demands, high­light­ing the chaos and ten­sion in her home life. The chap­ter begins with Leighton dream­ing of light­ning split­ting the tree in their front yard, only to be jolt­ed awake by the sound of her door slam­ming against the wall. The man’s voice is men­ac­ing as he insists they need to cor­rect their chores and fol­lows through by dis­turb­ing her younger sis­ters, Juniper and Camp­bell.

    Leighton pleads with him to spare the girls, but his response reveals a cycle of frus­tra­tion and vio­lence. Despite her moth­er stand­ing near­by, mouthing apolo­gies, Leighton inter­nal­ly rages against the sit­u­a­tion. After push­ing past the man, she takes Juniper to the liv­ing room where they sit qui­et­ly, wait­ing for orders amid the bright lights illu­mi­nat­ing their home. The man returns, toss­ing their fold­ed tow­els on the floor, demand­ing they show him the cor­rect way to fold them.

    Each sis­ter tries but fails to meet his expec­ta­tions, with Juniper vis­i­bly upset. In a moment of cold resent­ment, he directs his anger towards Leighton, call­ing her vile names and throw­ing a vase against the wall to punc­tu­ate his threats. This erup­tion of aggres­sion is met with Leighton’s pain and deter­mi­na­tion not to show tears. She feels the pres­sure to per­form per­fect­ly: she folds the tow­els metic­u­lous­ly while sup­press­ing her emo­tions.

    After every­one else heads upstairs, Leighton cleans the bro­ken glass and turns off lights around the house, lost in thoughts of her chaot­ic real­i­ty. When she gazes in the bath­room mir­ror, she notices the empti­ness of the shelves once filled with their tow­els, rein­forc­ing the sense of dis­ar­ray in her life. Exhaust­ed and ter­ri­fied of an uncer­tain future, Leighton choos­es to study for an impor­tant cal­cu­lus exam rather than suc­cumb to sleep. Yet her focus wanes as she wres­tles with the para­dox of want­i­ng to escape her trou­bled home while fear­ing for her sis­ters’ well-being should she choose to leave. The chap­ter ends with Leighton star­ing help­less­ly at the dawn­ing light, filled with dread about her unchange­able world .


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