Cover of The Chocolate War

    The Chocolate War

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier follows Jerry Renault, a high school student who refuses to participate in his school's annual chocolate sale fundraiser. His act of defiance sparks a cruel campaign of bullying and manipulation, leading him to question authority, conformity, and the power of resistance.

    In Chap­ter Thir­ty-Four of “The Choco­late War,” Jer­ry expe­ri­ences a haunt­ing sense of invis­i­bil­i­ty among his peers at school. The chap­ter begins with Jer­ry notic­ing that he is being avoid­ed, treat­ed as if he car­ries a con­ta­gious dis­ease. On the bus and once he arrives at school, he feels com­plete­ly iso­lat­ed as class­mates and even friends, like Tony San­tuc­ci, look right through him. This extreme sense of alien­ation is deep­ened when he dis­cov­ers that his lock­er has been stripped of its con­tents, fur­ther empha­siz­ing his invis­i­bil­i­ty. In his mind, Jer­ry pon­ders whether he’s becom­ing para­noid as he reflects on the absence of his belong­ings.

    Through­out the day, his teach­ers appear to ignore him as well, con­tribut­ing to his feel­ing of being an out­cast. Ini­tial­ly, the invis­i­bil­i­ty unset­tles him, but as time pass­es, he starts to embrace it; being invis­i­ble means no more fear of con­fronta­tion or vio­lence. How­ev­er, this tem­po­rary com­fort shat­ters when he is jos­tled by anoth­er stu­dent, lead­ing him to real­ize he is no longer invis­i­ble.

    In a par­al­lel nar­ra­tive, Broth­er Leon learns from Bri­an Cochran about the com­ple­tion of the choco­late sale, which sur­pris­ing­ly shows a per­fect total, except for the fifty box­es that Jer­ry didn’t sell. Leon dis­miss­es con­cerns about Jer­ry and insists on focus­ing on the sale’s suc­cess and school spir­it. Leon’s insis­tence on the impor­tance of the col­lec­tive over indi­vid­u­als res­onates with Bri­an, who strug­gles with this mind­set, par­tic­u­lar­ly regard­ing Jerry’s plight.

    The chap­ter con­cludes with Archie engag­ing Obie about a spe­cial assem­bly set for the fol­low­ing evening, where­in they plan to fea­ture Jer­ry and his unsold choco­lates. This hints at the sin­is­ter plans Archie has in mind for Jer­ry, fram­ing a fes­ter­ing con­flict that awaits res­o­lu­tion.

    Over­all, the chap­ter expert­ly cap­tures Jer­ry’s emo­tion­al tur­moil and the soci­etal pres­sures of con­for­mi­ty and indi­vid­u­al­i­ty in a high school set­ting, leav­ing read­ers to pon­der the impli­ca­tions of peer dynam­ics and author­i­ty fig­ures.


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