Cover of The Breadwinner

    The Breadwinner

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Breadwinner

    In this chap­ter of “The Bread­win­ner,” Par­vana and her friend Shauzia embark on an unusu­al and grim task: dig­ging up bones in a war-torn sec­tion of Kab­ul to sell for mon­ey. Despite Par­vana’s ini­tial hes­i­ta­tions about the moral­i­ty of their actions, Shauzia insists that their pri­ma­ry goal is finan­cial sur­vival. As they make their way to the aban­doned grave­yard, they encounter dev­as­ta­tion in the form of ruined build­ings and graves dis­turbed by bomb blasts. The sight of crows scav­eng­ing among the bones high­lights the bleak­ness of their sur­round­ings.

    Upon arrival, they learn about the bone bro­ker, a man who buys the bones from scav­engers like them­selves. While Par­vana is curi­ous about the pur­pose of the bones, Shauzia reas­sures her that their focus should be on earn­ing mon­ey. After ner­vous­ly begin­ning their work, the two girls dis­cov­er mul­ti­ple skulls, which they jok­ing­ly per­son­i­fy, even des­ig­nat­ing one as their “mas­cot.”

    As they con­tin­ue dig­ging, they share a moment of lev­i­ty when dis­cussing the poten­tial reper­cus­sions of dis­turb­ing the dead, as well as the fear of land mines, which adds a lay­er of ten­sion to their grim activ­i­ty. They man­age to dig up a con­sid­er­able amount of bones and even­tu­al­ly meet with the bone bro­ker, who pays them a sub­stan­tial amount—more than Par­vana would typ­i­cal­ly earn in three days. This new­found wealth brings excite­ment and plans for fur­ther dig­ging the next day.

    Reflect­ing on their actions under the brief sun­light that breaks through the clouds, Par­vana and Shauzia con­tem­plate the sig­nif­i­cance of their expe­ri­ence. They express a nos­tal­gic hope to remem­ber this day when they are old­er and wealthy, indi­cat­ing an under­stand­ing that their cur­rent actions are a stark con­se­quence of their dire cir­cum­stances.

    By the end of the chap­ter, Par­vana care­ful­ly nav­i­gates her home­ward thoughts, deter­mined to hide a por­tion of her earn­ings to secure a lit­tle finan­cial free­dom for her­self. Despite her attempts to wash away the day’s grim imagery, the mem­o­ry of their unset­tling task lingers, sym­bol­ized by the sight of the grin­ning skulls. The chap­ter encap­su­lates the harsh real­i­ties of life dur­ing wartime, the resilience required to sur­vive, and the bit­ter­sweet moments of child­hood amidst tragedy.


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    Cover of The Breadwinner

    The Breadwinner

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Breadwinner

    In Chap­ter Ten, the pro­tag­o­nist con­fronts a dra­mat­ic and emo­tion­al series of events fol­low­ing her escape from a har­row­ing sit­u­a­tion. After a sweaty run and chaot­ic pub­lic trans­port jour­ney, she arrives at the Min­istry, only to be inter­cept­ed by Simel­lia, who seemed to have a plan. An urgent con­ver­sa­tion reveals that Arthur, a sig­nif­i­cant fig­ure in her life, has died, bring­ing forth an emo­tion­al break­down as her pan­ic and grief take hold.

    Simel­lia, how­ev­er, sur­pris­es her by point­ing a gun at her, reveal­ing a shock­ing betray­al: she is the mole who has been leak­ing infor­ma­tion. This stark rev­e­la­tion leads to a con­fronta­tion about their moral choic­es, with Simel­lia assert­ing that the Min­istry’s grim future—a destroyed sub-Saha­ran Africa and an oblit­er­at­ed Europe—is the result of their actions and choic­es. The two women engage in a heat­ed exchange that spi­rals into phys­i­cal con­flict. Amidst the chaos, the pro­tag­o­nist seizes con­trol, wield­ing the gun as they con­tin­ue to dis­cuss the impli­ca­tions of their actions and the broad­er soci­etal col­lapse they are fac­ing.

    The atmos­phere becomes tense as the Brigadier appears, empha­siz­ing the grim stakes at play. He sug­gests that they are trapped in a cycle of vio­lence and ret­ri­bu­tion. As the pro­tag­o­nist feels the weight of guilt con­cern­ing Arthur and the shad­owy future that lies ahead, she even­tu­al­ly unloads her gun at the time-door machine, trig­ger­ing alarms and omi­nous red lights, which fore­shad­ow pos­si­bly dire con­se­quences for them all.

    In the ensu­ing con­fu­sion, Simel­li­a’s attempt to aid their escape leads to anoth­er dead­ly con­fronta­tion, as more Min­istry forces arrive. Escap­ing into the chaos, Simel­lia bursts forth with a gun point­ed at the pro­tag­o­nist while mak­ing a des­per­ate bid for sur­vival, under­scor­ing the para­noia that now dic­tates their lives. Fol­low­ing a tumul­tuous inter­ac­tion, they find them­selves back in a park­ing lot where Simel­lia, embrac­ing the futil­i­ty of their sit­u­a­tion, decides to cut ties, sug­gest­ing a pow­er­ful need to take con­trol of her nar­ra­tive mov­ing for­ward.

    The pro­tag­o­nist returns home, reveal­ing her inner tur­moil as she grap­ples with mem­o­ries of the life and rela­tion­ships that have been irrev­o­ca­bly altered. Shock­ing­ly, she finds Gra­ham at her kitchen table—armed and accusato­ry. Their con­fronta­tion opens up ques­tions of trust, betray­al, and the rem­nants of love as she learns the extent of the Min­istry’s manip­u­la­tions woven through their very iden­ti­ties. Ulti­mate­ly, she is left reflect­ing on loss, regret, and the futil­i­ty of try­ing to impose order in a chaot­ic world framed by tem­po­ral dis­rup­tion and emo­tion­al wreck­age.


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