Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In Chap­ter Nine of “If These Wings Could Fly,” the pro­tag­o­nist, Leighton, finds her­self in a lunch booth with Liam McNa­ma­ra, who sits next to her friend Sofia. Their con­ver­sa­tion starts casu­al­ly, with Liam com­ment­ing on the cold tater tots on Leighton’s tray. As the con­ver­sa­tion unfolds, it becomes evi­dent that Leighton has been hid­ing some­thing from Sofia, and she feels the ten­sion of being found out.

    Liam can­did­ly men­tions broach­ing a con­fronta­tion with Brody, who has been rude in class. Leighton appre­ci­ates Liam’s sup­port, espe­cial­ly since she typ­i­cal­ly avoids con­flict and hasn’t spo­ken to Brody since she turned him down. The dynam­ic shifts as Liam casu­al­ly asks Leighton out, which flus­ters Sofia and leads to an awk­ward moment. Leighton declines his offer, stat­ing her com­mit­ment to focus­ing on col­lege appli­ca­tions and home­work, which res­onate with her pri­or­i­ties.

    Despite her rejec­tion, Leighton can’t help but feel drawn to Liam’s direct atten­tion and kind­ness, con­trast­ing it with her over­whelm­ing respon­si­bil­i­ties and the tur­moil of her home life. As they chat, Liam throws out com­pli­ments that sur­prise her, sug­gest­ing he sees poten­tial in her. Resist­ing her grow­ing affec­tion, Leighton insists she doesn’t have time for dat­ing, regard­less of the fun it might bring.

    When Liam adopts a melo­dra­mat­ic, heart­bro­ken per­sona after her rejec­tion, Sofia finds it enter­tain­ing, and even Leighton strug­gles to sup­press her laugh­ter. As their exchange con­cludes, Liam leaves with a play­ful farewell, which height­ens Leighton’s aware­ness of the chem­istry between them—something both exhil­a­rat­ing and unset­tling for her.

    Sofia’s com­ments after­ward reveal her belief that Liam gen­uine­ly likes Leighton, which makes Leighton uneasy. Although she enjoys their inter­ac­tions, she men­tal­ly berates her­self for hav­ing feel­ings for him. The back­drop of her fam­i­ly oblig­a­tions looms large over her, as she has less than a year to sta­bi­lize her home life to ensure her sis­ters’ safe­ty. This tick­ing clock com­pli­cates her feel­ings, as she grap­ples with the thought that romance could lead to heart­break. With the specter of a pic­ture com­mem­o­rat­ing a past “ever after” stuck in her liv­ing room, she reflects on the inevitable heartaches of life, hint­ing at the com­plex­i­ties that love entails.


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