Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In Chap­ter Forty-Three of If These Wings Could Fly, the nar­ra­tive unfolds on a snowy day as Leighton waits for Liam to arrive. As he parks awk­ward­ly in the snow-filled street, she greets him with excite­ment and anx­i­ety. The back­yard is bustling with Leighton’s younger sis­ters, Camp­bell and Juniper, who are play­ing joy­ful­ly in the snow. After a brief moment of hes­i­ta­tion between Leighton and Liam, they are quick­ly drawn into the play­ful chaos of a snow­ball fight, led by Liam’s enthu­si­asm and strat­e­gy.

    Liam estab­lish­es him­self as cap­tain, play­ful­ly choos­ing Juniper as a team­mate, which leaves Leighton feel­ing slight­ly over­looked. How­ev­er, this moment of com­pe­ti­tion swift­ly turns into laugh­ter and fun as Juniper embraces her role as “the Beast,” charg­ing at their snow fort. The scene cap­tures an inno­cent joy, with the three of them con­struct­ing defens­es and hurl­ing snow­balls in a spir­it­ed bat­tle that ends with Juniper’s vic­to­ry.

    After the play­ful chaos, a ten­der moment unfolds between Leighton and Liam, marked by a kiss that con­trasts the cold­ness of win­ter with warmth. Their inter­ac­tion is light­heart­ed yet inti­mate, show­cas­ing a bud­ding con­nec­tion amidst the back­drop of famil­ial inter­ac­tions. The unex­pect­ed encounter with Juniper’s let­ter to a crow named Joe adds a whim­si­cal ele­ment to the nar­ra­tive, high­light­ing the inno­cence and cre­ativ­i­ty of child­hood.

    As the day pro­gress­es, ten­sion creeps in when Leighton’s father unex­pect­ed­ly returns home ear­ly. His pres­ence alters the dynam­ic, intro­duc­ing a sense of unease for Leighton, who is con­cerned about her father’s poten­tial reac­tion to Liam’s vis­it. Despite this, Liam inter­acts smooth­ly with her fam­i­ly, dis­cussing col­lege and sports, cre­at­ing a facade of a nor­mal fam­i­ly din­ner.

    How­ev­er, Leighton’s inter­nal strug­gles ampli­fy, sens­ing that this calm moment may quick­ly shift. As Liam pre­pares to leave, they share a mix of play­ful ban­ter and under­ly­ing ten­sion, ulti­mate­ly lead­ing to Leighton urg­ing cau­tion about their affec­tion in front of her fam­i­ly.

    The chap­ter con­cludes on a note of fore­bod­ing; although the day has been filled with laugh­ter and warmth, Leighton grap­ples with unset­tling instincts, aware that hap­pi­ness in her house­hold often coex­ists with a pre­car­i­ous bal­ance. The phrase “Not yet” encap­su­lates her anx­i­ety as she returns inside, already know­ing that the sense of nor­mal­cy may be tem­po­rary .


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