Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    **Chap­ter Forty-Eight Sum­ma­ry**

    I wake long before dawn, lis­ten­ing to the soft rain against the win­dow. My mind ini­tial­ly feels like a blank slate, sus­pend­ed between sleep and wakefulness—a soli­tary being in the dark, devoid of iden­ti­ty. How­ev­er, real­i­ty soon reasserts itself, pulling me back down to Earth. The bare arm wrapped around my ribs and the larg­er hand clasp­ing my own belong to Liam, whose warm breath tick­les my neck. The past events don’t mat­ter as we sim­ply wished to be close to one anoth­er.

    This is the first deep sleep I’ve expe­ri­enced in a long while—no night­mares or unset­tling nois­es to dis­turb me. As I lie in Liam’s bed, I try to remem­ber the shapes of the shad­ows in his room when light fil­ters through. It seems that sleep, which I’ve long sought, is just out of my reach now.

    I notice we aren’t alone, prompt­ing me to slip out of Liam’s embrace. Bare­foot, I tread qui­et­ly on the cool hard­wood floor towards the win­dow. Out­side, Joe perch­es in the tree, still and silent, fac­ing the street like an immo­bile stat­ue. My thoughts drift to how long he might have been there, watch­ing, frozen in time. Right as this idea cross­es my mind, Joe’s head tilts slight­ly, allow­ing me to glimpse his black eye, gray feath­ers, and the sharp edge of his beak glint­ing in the street­light.

    “Good night, Joe,” I whis­per soft­ly before I draw the shade closed, block­ing the view of my silent guardian. Through this moment, I feel a con­nec­tion to the qui­et, watch­ful world out­side and the com­pan­ion­ship of Liam beside me, both offer­ing a sense of com­fort amid the uncer­tain­ty that often shad­ows my thoughts.


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