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    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In Chap­ter Fif­teen of “If These Wings Could Fly,” Juniper and the nar­ra­tor enjoy a qui­et morn­ing in their back­yard while the chill of ear­ly autumn hangs in the air. As the weath­er remains unsea­son­ably warm, Camp­bell is out rid­ing her bike, despite a recent mishap involv­ing a rose­bush that almost end­ed her bik­ing sea­son ear­ly. The nar­ra­tor jug­gles cal­cu­lus home­work, news­pa­per research, and frus­tra­tion over an art elec­tive that hasn’t gone well, while Juniper reads a book of fairy tales.

    Amidst their work, the annoy­ing caw­ing of crows sur­round­ing them becomes a recur­ring dis­trac­tion. The nar­ra­tor has been research­ing the influx of crows in towns across Amer­i­ca and shares that a near­by town has seen around fifty thou­sand crows as they migrate from Cana­da. This aston­ish­ing fig­ure sur­pris­es Juniper, spark­ing a dis­cus­sion about the local crows’ num­bers and the ongo­ing foot­ball suc­cess of Auburn’s team, which the nar­ra­tor finds pecu­liar.

    As crows land near them, the nar­ra­tor impul­sive­ly throws raisins, dis­re­gard­ing a local ordi­nance Juniper had men­tioned in a recent paper. This rebel­lious act brings joy to both, and they laugh over Juniper’s lost leather cuff bracelet, which she feels guilty about mis­plac­ing. They dis­cuss meth­ods oth­er towns have employed to scare away crows, reveal­ing the dark­er side of hunt­ing prac­tices in their area, which gives Juniper an uncom­fort­able thought about the safe­ty of the local crows.

    The light­heart­ed mood shifts as Juniper reveals that she has been writ­ing let­ters to Joe, a crow she admires, leav­ing treats for him in hopes of receiv­ing gifts. The nar­ra­tor is skep­ti­cal but con­sid­ers the pos­si­bil­i­ty after Juniper presents a shiny mar­ble she claims is a gift from Joe. Camp­bell, their sis­ter, dis­rupts their fun by mock­ing the idea, but Juniper’s earnest­ness remains intact as she con­fi­dent­ly shares her let­ter to Joe.

    The chap­ter takes a dark­er turn when Camp­bel­l’s bike is run over by a return­ing truck. The nar­ra­tor wit­ness­es Camp­bel­l’s heart­break and frus­tra­tion as she stands help­less­ly in the yard, grap­pling with the loss of her bike and an uncer­tain future for her bik­ing adven­tures. The emo­tion­al weight of her sit­u­a­tion paints a somber con­clu­sion to an oth­er­wise play­ful and nos­tal­gic scene.


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    Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In Chap­ter Fif­teen of “The Choco­late War,” Emile Jan­za approach­es Archie with a casu­al yet under­ly­ing ten­sion about a pho­to­graph. Their exchange reveals a dynam­ic of pow­er and intim­i­da­tion, with Archie teas­ing Jan­za about the pic­ture, which ulti­mate­ly does not exist. Archie clev­er­ly engages in a light-heart­ed ban­ter while being ful­ly aware of Jan­za­’s volatile nature and poten­tial for vio­lence. Emile inquires about the pic­ture’s where­abouts, and despite Archie’s flip­pant respons­es, it becomes appar­ent that he holds a sig­nif­i­cant psy­cho­log­i­cal advan­tage over Jan­za.

    Archie recalls the ori­gin of the sup­posed pho­to­graph, detail­ing how he encoun­tered Jan­za in a com­pro­mis­ing sit­u­a­tion while cut­ting class. He had stum­bled upon Jan­za in a restroom stall, lead­ing to a mock­ing inci­dent where Archie pre­tend­ed to take a pho­to rather than help­ing him. This encounter illus­trates both Archie’s cun­ning and his abil­i­ty to manip­u­late sit­u­a­tions for amuse­ment, how­ev­er dan­ger­ous that may be. The iron­ic twist is that Jan­za, who is known for his aggres­sive behav­ior, is now at Archie’s mer­cy about a non-exis­tent pho­to, show­cas­ing Archie’s wit amidst the chaos.

    As the con­ver­sa­tion unfolds, Jan­za­’s demeanor shifts from light-heart­ed to seri­ous, sug­gest­ing a deep­er threat beneath the sur­face. He also attempts to extend his influ­ence to a near­by fresh­man, order­ing him to buy cig­a­rettes and rein­forc­ing his rep­u­ta­tion for being a bul­ly. This inter­ac­tion high­lights the preda­to­ry nature of Jan­za­’s char­ac­ter, con­trast­ing with Archie’s own cal­cu­lat­ed and some­what play­ful approach to con­flict.

    Archie reflects on the nature of pow­er dynam­ics, cat­e­go­riz­ing peo­ple into vic­tims and vic­tim­iz­ers, with both him­self and Jan­za firm­ly in the lat­ter cat­e­go­ry, albeit via dif­fer­ent meth­ods. Their con­ver­sa­tion serves as a com­men­tary on the com­plex­i­ties of ado­les­cent behav­ior, peer pres­sure, and the social hier­ar­chies with­in their school. The chap­ter ends with a chill­ing insight into Janza’s char­ac­ter, as Archie real­izes that beneath Jan­za­’s crude actions lies a pro­found will­ing­ness to intim­i­date and con­trol.


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    Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In Chap­ter Fif­teen of “The Bread­win­ner,” Par­vana reunites with her father, who has returned from prison look­ing frail and weary. Despite his tat­tered cloth­ing and drawn face, she rec­og­nizes him imme­di­ate­ly. Par­vana clings to him, over­whelmed with emo­tion, and is tak­en care of by Mrs. Weera, who empha­sizes that her father needs rest. It takes days of nurs­ing before he begins to recov­er. As he regains strength, Par­vana helps him, chang­ing his ban­dages and feed­ing him nour­ish­ing soup. When he is well enough to com­ment, he acknowl­edges her new short hair, affec­tion­ate­ly dub­bing her both daugh­ter and son.

    Though her father’s health improves slow­ly, the fam­i­ly spends joy-filled moments togeth­er, with Par­vana bring­ing home din­ner and shar­ing laugh­ter, par­tic­u­lar­ly when they jok­ing­ly con­verse about their day. Parvana’s spir­it­ed involve­ment in the mar­ket becomes more impor­tant as she now feels she is work­ing towards reunit­ing her fam­i­ly. She shares her aspi­ra­tions with Shauzia, who wish­es to escape Afghanistan alto­geth­er, reveal­ing her con­cerns about an impend­ing mar­riage cho­sen by her grand­fa­ther.

    As the chap­ter pro­gress­es, Par­vana learns about the poten­tial exis­tence of refugee camps where her moth­er might be. Her father, despite his ail­ments, express­es a strong desire to search for her. They plan a jour­ney to Mazar, sig­ni­fy­ing a piv­otal shift in their lives. The upcom­ing jour­ney enhances Par­vana’s hope. Mean­while, Mrs. Weera pre­pares to leave for Pak­istan with Homa to join a women’s group, high­light­ing the plight and resilience of Afghan women.

    In a poignant moment, Par­vana takes time to say good­bye to the Win­dow Woman by plant­i­ng wild­flow­ers in the mar­ket, a sym­bol of beau­ty amidst despair. In the end, as Par­vana pre­pares for depar­ture, she shares an emo­tion­al good­bye with Shauzia, promis­ing to meet again, set­ting a whim­si­cal response in the dis­tant future at the Eif­fel Tow­er in Paris. The chap­ter encap­su­lates themes of hope, resilience, and the long­ing for fam­i­ly in the face of adver­si­ty. Par­vana’s jour­ney becomes a sym­bol of her strength and pre­pared­ness for an uncer­tain future.


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