Chapter 9
by testsuphomeAdminChapter 9 of If These Wings Could Fly begins with Leighton sitting in a lunch booth with Liam McNamara, who is seated beside her friend Sofia. Their conversation starts off casually, with Liam making a lighthearted comment about the cold tater tots on Leighton’s tray. However, as their chat continues, it becomes clear that Leighton has been concealing something from Sofia, and the tension of her secret is palpable. The unease grows as Leighton feels the pressure of being caught in a lie, realizing that her attempt to keep things hidden may not be successful. Despite her discomfort, the situation becomes a turning point in their interaction, where the stakes of honesty and trust come into play.
Liam, in his usual candid manner, brings up Brody, a classmate who has been rude to Leighton in class, mentioning that a confrontation might be necessary. Leighton appreciates Liam’s straightforward support, as she typically avoids confrontations and has not spoken to Brody since she turned him down. His willingness to stand by her in this situation contrasts sharply with her usual avoidance of conflict. As the conversation shifts, Liam casually asks Leighton out on a date, an unexpected move that flusters both her and Sofia. The awkwardness is palpable, and Leighton declines, explaining that her focus must remain on her college applications and the overwhelming homework demands that have come to define her priorities. This rejection, though politely stated, reveals the tension between her desires and her responsibilities, showing the strain of balancing personal life with academic and familial obligations.
Despite turning Liam down, Leighton can’t help but feel a growing attraction toward him, drawn in by his directness and kindness. His attention feels refreshing compared to the chaos of her home life, where her responsibilities weigh heavily on her. As their conversation progresses, Liam offers her unexpected compliments, suggesting that he sees something special in her that others might overlook. This attention unsettles Leighton, as she tries to resist the pull of affection, reminding herself that she doesn’t have the time for a romantic relationship. Her priority, in her mind, should be focused on her future—her college applications and ensuring her sisters’ safety at home. Yet, as Liam continues to express admiration, the conflict between her desire for connection and the overwhelming pressures of her reality deepens.
Liam’s reaction to her rejection adds another layer to the encounter, as he adopts a melodramatic, heartbroken persona, which Sofia finds amusing. Leighton, too, struggles to suppress her laughter, recognizing the playful nature of the situation despite her inner conflict. The interaction leaves her with mixed feelings, as she becomes acutely aware of the chemistry between them, something both exciting and unsettling at the same time. Liam’s playful exit only amplifies her awareness of their connection, leaving her to question what it might mean for her future, especially as she grapples with the weight of her existing responsibilities. The flirtation she feels could lead to joy, yet it is shadowed by the harsh reality of her life, where stability is not guaranteed.
Afterward, Sofia hints that she believes Liam genuinely likes Leighton, which makes her uneasy. Although she enjoys their interactions and the way Liam makes her feel, she mentally scolds herself for allowing any emotional attachment to form. The looming responsibility of her family obligations weighs heavily on her, reminding her that she has little time to stabilize her home life to ensure her sisters’ safety. With less than a year to make sure everything is secure, the idea of a relationship feels like a complication—one that could lead to heartbreak rather than happiness. This internal conflict underscores Leighton’s emotional turmoil, as she reflects on the past—particularly a picture in her living room that commemorates a failed “ever after.” This imagery serves as a reminder of the complexities of love, reinforcing the narrator’s reluctance to get involved emotionally. It hints at the painful inevitability of heartbreak, even as she is drawn to the excitement that Liam brings into her life.
This chapter captures Leighton’s struggle with the conflicting desires of romance and responsibility, showcasing the complexities of growing up and trying to balance personal happiness with familial duties. It emphasizes the difficulty of navigating emotions, especially when external pressures—like her family’s needs—complicate the possibilities of a carefree life. As Leighton contemplates her feelings for Liam, she is also forced to face the weight of her future and the sacrifices she may need to make in order to protect the ones she loves. The tension between her longing for connection and the weight of her responsibilities offers readers a relatable, poignant reflection on the challenges of young adulthood.