Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    Chap­ter 46 begins with Leighton wak­ing up ear­ly, feel­ing a dull stom­achache that weighs on her. Her fam­i­ly sur­rounds her—her mom and sisters—but her atten­tion is drawn out­side where the absence of her father’s truck indi­cates that he like­ly stayed at his work­place, a trail­er used by Barnes Con­struc­tion. This real­iza­tion brings with it a mix of emo­tions, as her father’s absence typ­i­cal­ly sug­gests that the oper­a­tions at the con­struc­tion site are slug­gish, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the cold­er win­ter months. Though the warmth of home and the famil­iar­i­ty of her fam­i­ly pro­vide some com­fort, a heavy sad­ness set­tles over Leighton, one that she can’t ful­ly under­stand or artic­u­late. The morning’s usu­al rhythm, though com­fort­ing, does­n’t entire­ly erase the ache she feels deep inside.

    Her mom, look­ing exhaust­ed, pre­pares cof­fee with a kind of qui­et rou­tine that feels dis­tant now. The two of them engage in a game—a game they once played togeth­er with joy—mixing idioms and metaphors, an activ­i­ty that once unit­ed them but now feels hol­low. Leighton can sense the dis­tance between them, and as they speak, the real issue becomes clear: the loom­ing need for a restrain­ing order against her father, who has become a source of gen­uine fear and dan­ger. This under­ly­ing truth sparks an argu­ment, as Leighton pas­sion­ate­ly insists that action must be tak­en for the fam­i­ly’s safe­ty. Yet, her mom hes­i­tates, unwill­ing to move too quick­ly due to the long-stand­ing mar­riage that she doesn’t want to dis­rupt. Despite acknowl­edg­ing the ten­sions at home, her mom con­tin­ues to cling to the hope that things might improve, which only frus­trates Leighton fur­ther.

    Feel­ing the weight of respon­si­bil­i­ty for her younger sis­ters, Leighton reach­es a break­ing point. She knows she can’t remain at home in this emo­tion­al­ly charged atmos­phere, so she decides to leave, seek­ing solace with a friend instead. Her deci­sion to dis­tance her­self is met with resis­tance, as her mom con­tin­ues to cling to the frag­ile hope of fam­i­ly uni­ty, even as it slips fur­ther away. The ten­sion between them esca­lates, leav­ing Leighton feel­ing trapped and mis­un­der­stood. With no oth­er choice, she packs her things, ful­ly aware that she needs to take a step back to pre­serve her emo­tion­al well-being. It is not an easy deci­sion, but one that Leighton knows is nec­es­sary for her peace of mind and for the safe­ty of her sis­ters.

    Lat­er, Leighton meets up with her friend Liam, who offers her a place to stay over the week­end. His offer pro­vides a tem­po­rary sense of relief, as he under­stands the tur­moil she is going through. As they dri­ve to school, Leighton finds her­self open­ing up to him about the increas­ing­ly volatile sit­u­a­tion at home. Liam lis­tens with empa­thy, offer­ing sup­port, but Leighton can’t help but feel a sense of frus­tra­tion. While Liam’s under­stand­ing is com­fort­ing, she knows that he can­not ful­ly com­pre­hend the grav­i­ty of the insta­bil­i­ty she faces on a dai­ly basis. The dis­con­nect between them, though unin­ten­tion­al, high­lights the deep-root­ed issues that have plagued Leighton’s life for so long.

    At school, Leighton retreats to the news­room, hop­ing to find some dis­trac­tion and solace in the famil­iar sur­round­ings. She begins research­ing pro­tec­tion orders, her mind heavy with doubt and fear as she reads about the var­i­ous legal steps involved. The more she reads, the more the weight of the sit­u­a­tion press­es down on her. She grap­ples with the fear that her father’s reputation—his well-known posi­tion in the community—might over­shad­ow her own truth. She won­ders how she could pos­si­bly nav­i­gate a sys­tem that often pro­tects the guilty and silences those who need to be heard. This real­iza­tion brings with it a deep sense of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, as Leighton faces the uncom­fort­able truth that many women in sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tions have to bat­tle both per­son­al trau­ma and soci­etal judg­ment. It is a harsh, over­whelm­ing thought that stirs in her, but it is one that she must con­front as she search­es for a way to pro­tect her­self and her sis­ters.

    The chap­ter delves deeply into the emo­tion­al com­plex­i­ty of fam­i­ly life, par­tic­u­lar­ly when trau­ma and insta­bil­i­ty become dai­ly real­i­ties. The ten­sions between Leighton and her moth­er, the need for pro­tec­tion against a dan­ger­ous fam­i­ly mem­ber, and the sense of help­less­ness that comes with try­ing to pro­tect younger sib­lings, all paint a vivid pic­ture of the tur­moil Leighton faces. Her desire for safe­ty and peace is over­shad­owed by the obsta­cles she faces in achiev­ing it, but her jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery and deter­mi­na­tion is only just begin­ning. This chap­ter cap­tures not only the over­whelm­ing bur­den of liv­ing in a chaot­ic and unsafe envi­ron­ment but also the strength required to con­front it head-on, all while try­ing to main­tain a sense of nor­mal­cy and care for those she loves most.


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