Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    Chap­ter 44 unfolds with an intense surge of emo­tion­al ten­sion as Leighton is sud­den­ly awok­en by her mother’s dis­tressed cry in the mid­dle of the night. Instinc­tive­ly, she rush­es to her younger sis­ters, Cam­my and Juniper, who are hud­dled togeth­er, whis­per­ing in fear that some­thing ter­ri­ble is hap­pen­ing to their moth­er. Dri­ven by the urgency of the sit­u­a­tion, Leighton quick­ly instructs the girls to hide in the armoire, telling them to remain silent and stay safe. Despite her own grow­ing anx­i­ety, she forces her­self to leave them alone in the dark, know­ing that their safe­ty depends on their stay­ing out of sight. The fear of what might hap­pen next weighs heav­i­ly on her, but she knows she must pro­tect her sis­ters while she faces the chaos unfold­ing down­stairs.

    Leighton moves cau­tious­ly down the stairs, each step filled with hes­i­ta­tion. When she reach­es the bot­tom step, she freezes, her heart pound­ing as she lis­tens to the unset­tling sounds com­ing from the kitchen. Her mother’s des­per­ate plea for release echoes through the house, a cry that cuts through the ten­sion like a sharp blade. Leighton’s mind races, and she finds her­self trapped between want­i­ng to pro­tect her moth­er and fear­ing the con­se­quences of get­ting involved. In the dark­ness of the house, she tries to make her­self as invis­i­ble as pos­si­ble, hop­ing that her pres­ence will go unno­ticed. The weight of the sit­u­a­tion press­es heav­i­ly on her, and she strug­gles to sup­press the urge to inter­vene, hop­ing that stay­ing out of sight will keep her moth­er safe, even though it feels like a betray­al.

    The atmos­phere remains thick with dread as Leighton remains frozen, her thoughts filled with uncer­tain­ty. She notices a crack in the wall, grow­ing larg­er as she tries to push against it, sym­bol­iz­ing the deep­en­ing frac­ture in their fam­i­ly. As the sit­u­a­tion in the kitchen becomes clear­er, Leighton real­izes her moth­er has been cry­ing, although she hasn’t shown it direct­ly. This real­iza­tion deep­ens the emo­tion­al com­plex­i­ty of the moment, and Leighton is con­sumed by the ten­sion of the scene. Her moth­er, despite her vis­i­ble dis­tress, is still try­ing to main­tain con­trol, try­ing to man­age the volatile sit­u­a­tion with the man wield­ing the knife. The con­flict inten­si­fies, and Leighton feels a grow­ing sense of help­less­ness as she watch­es her fam­i­ly torn apart by vio­lence.

    Unable to remain pas­sive any longer, Leighton sum­mons all of her courage and rush­es into the kitchen, des­per­ate­ly urg­ing her moth­er to leave with her. The scene erupts into a phys­i­cal con­fronta­tion, with the man resist­ing vio­lent­ly, mak­ing it clear that any attempt to leave would be met with resis­tance. Leighton is caught in the midst of this chaos, her mother’s pro­tec­tive instinct guid­ing her as she shields Leighton from the man’s wrath. Over­whelmed by the ter­ror of the moment, Leighton flees back to the armoire, tears chok­ing her throat as she hides, feel­ing help­less in the face of the vio­lence that has enveloped her fam­i­ly. The over­whelm­ing weight of the sit­u­a­tion press­es down on her as she strug­gles to process the hor­ror unfold­ing before her eyes.

    After what feels like an eter­ni­ty, the man final­ly leaves, and a heavy silence falls over the house. Leighton emerges from the armoire, her body trem­bling with exhaus­tion and relief. Though shak­en by the events that have just tran­spired, there is a small flick­er of hope in her heart. The calm that fol­lows the storm feels frag­ile, and Leighton knows that, though the imme­di­ate dan­ger has passed, the emo­tion­al toll of the night will stay with her for much longer. This chap­ter marks a piv­otal moment of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and resilience for Leighton, as she nav­i­gates the com­plex­i­ties of famil­ial love and vio­lence, find­ing strength in the face of over­whelm­ing fear.


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