Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    Chap­ter 42 opens with a peace­ful win­ter morn­ing, the world out­side blan­ket­ed in fresh snow. The nar­ra­tor wakes up to a sun­lit room, the cold win­ter air soft­ened by the warmth inside, and feels com­fort­ed as they snug­gle with their sib­lings, Camp­bell and Juniper, under a cozy drag­on­fly quilt. The beau­ty of the untouched snow out­side pro­vides a sense of calm, but the absence of the usu­al crows in their yard catch­es the narrator’s atten­tion. This qui­et morn­ing con­trasts sharply with the sight across the street, where Mrs. Stieg’s yard is swarm­ing with the birds. The absence of the crows, typ­i­cal­ly so present in their lives, adds an air of mys­tery to the day, sig­nal­ing that some­thing might be sub­tly amiss in the world around them.

    Care­ful­ly, the nar­ra­tor slips out of bed, try­ing not to dis­turb the sleep­ing girls. In the kitchen, they find their moth­er, who is peace­ful­ly pour­ing her­self a cup of tea, exud­ing warmth and tran­quil­i­ty that promis­es a calm day ahead. There is a qui­et com­fort in this shared moment, one that is not rushed but full of small, inti­mate ges­tures. Camp­bell and Juniper soon join, still caught in a sleepy haze but bub­bling with excite­ment about the snow out­side. The atmos­phere in the house is peace­ful, yet there is an under­cur­rent of ener­gy as the sis­ters pre­pare for the adven­ture the day promis­es. A brief dis­cus­sion about break­fast fol­lows, but Juniper’s enthu­si­asm for the snow takes over, and she insists on going out­side as soon as pos­si­ble.

    The nar­ra­tor heads to the attic to fetch win­ter cloth­ing, step­ping over the famil­iar chaos of the space. Amid the jum­ble of for­got­ten items, they stum­ble upon a box filled with their mother’s old high school memorabilia—yearbooks, let­ters, and notes that paint a pic­ture of her life before becom­ing the moth­er they know. Hid­den with­in this box is Amethyst, a lit­er­ary mag­a­zine from twen­ty years ago, of which their moth­er had been the edi­tor-in-chief. The magazine’s pages reveal a side of their moth­er they hadn’t known—her pas­sion for poet­ry, with sev­er­al of her works pub­lished in its pages. This dis­cov­ery sparks some­thing in the nar­ra­tor, who is struck by the thought that their moth­er once had dreams of lit­er­ary pur­suits, a world so dif­fer­ent from the moth­er­ly role she now occu­pies.

    Inspired by the dis­cov­ery, the nar­ra­tor leaves a note inside the mag­a­zine, encour­ag­ing their moth­er to write again. The note is a small, ten­der ges­ture to rekin­dle a part of their mother’s past, a qui­et nudge to redis­cov­er her cre­ative spir­it. After leav­ing the note, the nar­ra­tor returns to the kitchen to find the atmos­phere still filled with warmth, with Juniper now hap­pi­ly wear­ing match­ing gloves and hats, ready for their snowy adven­ture. The sim­ple joys of the day unfold as they pre­pare to enjoy the snow togeth­er, the bond between them strength­ened by these small, shared moments.

    After a brief dis­cus­sion, the nar­ra­tor asks their moth­er for per­mis­sion to invite Liam over. She agrees with­out hes­i­ta­tion, a reas­sur­ing sign that their rou­tine remains intact, despite the changes and chal­lenges they face. The con­ver­sa­tion turns to Liam’s impend­ing arrival, and play­ful ban­ter begins about the inevitable snow­ball fight, fur­ther empha­siz­ing the ease and light­heart­ed­ness that per­me­ates their inter­ac­tions. This play­ful exchange reveals a grow­ing con­nec­tion between the nar­ra­tor and Liam, sym­bol­iz­ing the inno­cence of new rela­tion­ships and the hap­pi­ness they bring. In these moments, the nar­ra­tor feels the sim­plic­i­ty of joy, the excite­ment of their rela­tion­ship bloom­ing amidst the chaos and com­fort of fam­i­ly life.

    The chap­ter beau­ti­ful­ly cap­tures the warmth of famil­ial bonds, the nos­tal­gic con­nec­tion to the past, and the thrill of new rela­tion­ships. The day, full of promise and pos­si­bil­i­ties, serves as a gen­tle reminder of the sim­ple joys that can be found in the most ordi­nary moments. The snow out­side acts as a back­drop to these inti­mate con­nec­tions, pro­vid­ing a can­vas for the nar­ra­tor to explore their own desires and the world of rela­tion­ships that con­tin­ues to unfold around them. As the chap­ter comes to a close, the warmth of the family’s love and the promise of new begin­nings leave the nar­ra­tor with a sense of peace and antic­i­pa­tion for what the future holds.


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