Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    Chap­ter 13 begins with Leighton being abrupt­ly wok­en at 3:30 AM by the unset­tling creak of her bed­room door. Fear puls­es through her as frag­ments of a dis­turb­ing night­mare linger in her mind, but she quick­ly tries to reas­sure her­self, remind­ing her­self that her fam­i­ly is safe. Her thoughts turn to her sis­ters and moth­er, affirm­ing they are all okay despite the eerie feel­ing that lingers in the air. At that moment, her younger sis­ter Juniper appears at her side, seek­ing com­fort from the unset­tling nois­es that echo from out­side the room. Leighton encour­ages Juniper to climb into bed with her, offer­ing a sense of safe­ty in the midst of their shared unease.

    As they begin to set­tle, the muf­fled voic­es com­ing from down­stairs con­tin­ue to dis­rupt their frag­ile calm, sig­nal­ing an esca­lat­ing ten­sion that nei­ther can ignore. Juniper, rest­less and unable to find peace, sug­gests they play a game she calls “Any­where But Here,” designed to offer a men­tal escape from the fright­en­ing sounds out­side. This game pro­vides a dis­trac­tion, and soon their old­er sis­ter Camp­bell joins them, though reluc­tant­ly, mir­ror­ing the somber mood that fills the room. Togeth­er, they immerse them­selves in their imag­i­na­tive game, describ­ing far-off places like the Galá­pa­gos Islands and Lon­don, try­ing to push the fear aside. How­ev­er, their escape is short-lived, as the sound of a loud crash from down­stairs abrupt­ly shat­ters the frag­ile peace, and the sis­ters instinc­tive­ly hud­dle togeth­er, each feel­ing the cold grip of fear tight­en around them.

    The crash ampli­fies their anx­i­ety, and Juniper, near­ly chok­ing on a cry, seeks even more com­fort. Real­iz­ing that their game can no longer shield them from the ter­ror out­side, they retreat to their grandmother’s armoire, stash­ing clothes and oth­er items to cre­ate a small, cozy refuge with­in. Leighton grabs a kerosene lantern, one that reminds her of her grand­fa­ther, and lights it, cast­ing a soft glow over their makeshift hide­out. The dim lantern light cre­ates a sense of warmth and secu­ri­ty, offer­ing a tem­po­rary escape from the grow­ing sense of fear that looms out­side. Inside their cramped sanc­tu­ary, they begin to cre­ate shad­ow pup­pets, their imag­i­na­tions tem­porar­i­ly replac­ing the dread that sur­rounds them. As they play, Leighton reflects on how their father once taught her this game, and how it was once a com­fort dur­ing nights filled with sim­pler fears. The play­ful shad­ows of ani­mals on the walls pro­vide them with a brief respite, allow­ing them to for­get, if only for a moment, the dan­ger that threat­ens their peace.

    How­ev­er, as the light of the lantern flick­ers and dims, real­i­ty begins to creep back into their small sanc­tu­ary. Leighton, ever the pro­tec­tor, remains alert, her pri­ma­ry focus being the safe­ty and com­fort of her sis­ters. She blows out the lantern, plung­ing them back into dark­ness, and they are left alone with the uncer­tain­ty that hangs in the air. The dim­ming light serves as a metaphor for the fleet­ing sense of safe­ty they have cre­at­ed in the armoire. Yet, despite the encroach­ing dark­ness, their bond remains unshak­en. They face their fears togeth­er, silent­ly, prov­ing that even in the most ter­ri­fy­ing moments, the strength of their con­nec­tion is what keeps them ground­ed. This pow­er­ful moment of uni­ty speaks vol­umes about their resilience, show­ing that their love for each oth­er can with­stand even the dark­est of cir­cum­stances.

    The chapter’s atmos­phere con­trasts the inno­cence of child­hood games with the harsh real­i­ties of fear and uncer­tain­ty. As Leighton and her sis­ters nav­i­gate the ten­sion that per­me­ates their home, they cre­ate their own small world of safe­ty, high­light­ing the impor­tance of famil­ial bonds dur­ing times of cri­sis. The chap­ter show­cas­es how, even in moments of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, the sis­ters find strength in one anoth­er, lean­ing on each oth­er to cope with the dark­ness that sur­rounds them. This dynam­ic not only empha­sizes the emo­tion­al depth of the char­ac­ters but also high­lights the theme of resilience, show­ing that, in times of adver­si­ty, famil­ial love can be an anchor that keeps them ground­ed and hope­ful.


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