Cover of How to Catch a Dinosaur (Adam Wallace Andy Elkerton)
    Children's Literature

    How to Catch a Dinosaur (Adam Wallace Andy Elkerton)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    How to Catch a Dinosaur by Adam Wallace and Andy Elkerton is a fun, adventurous picture book that will captivate young readers. With catchy rhymes and vibrant illustrations, it follows a group of kids on a mission to catch a dinosaur, using their cleverness and creativity. Perfect for kids who love dinosaurs and exciting challenges, this book is a delightful blend of humor and imagination that will keep children entertained from start to finish.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.

    Tomorrow’s the big sci­ence fair!
    I’ve nev­er won before.
    But this year I know I can­not lose
    because I’m catch­ing a !
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 6 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 7 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 8 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    The crocs and sharks we know today
    were here when the dinosaurs ruled.
    It makes no sense ALL dinos are gone.
    On this point, I can­not be fooled.
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 9 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    We head straight to our local park
    to pick up some kind of trail.
    Wait! What’s that thing over there?
    YES! I think it’s a DINOSAUR TAIL!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 10 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    KeEp oFf
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 11 2/25/19 5:29 PM
    The dino is more bird than rep­tile;
    we learned in sci­ence class that’s true.
    And this one left some­thing behind—
    I’ve got our first dinosaur­clue!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 12 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    The dino is more bird than rep­tile;
    we learned in sci­ence class that’s true.
    And this one left some­thing behind—
    I’ve got our first dinosaur­clue!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 13 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    Looks like we’ve got a plant eater.
    The venus fly­trap had no chance.
    She danced right by our vol­cano
    and knew the exit at first glance.
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 14 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    Looks like we’ve got a plant eater.
    The venus fly­trap had no chance.
    She danced right by our vol­cano
    and knew the exit at first glance.
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 15 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 16 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    This clever girl runs fast as the wind
    and dodged our trap in a hur­ry.
    But we’ve got more in store for her,
    so this is no time to wor­ry.
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 17 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    Was she watch­ing when I test­ed each trap
    with my action fig­ures and toy bricks?
    It’s like she knows how each trap works…
    Can it be she’s onto my tricks?
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 18 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 19 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 20 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    Well that didn’t go accord­ing to plan.
    She slipped right past our noses
    and if that isn’t bad enough,
    I ruined Mom’s prize-win­ning ros­es.
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 21 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    We made a pre­his­toric play­ground
    and with lots of friends to play,
    our dino won’t be able to resist.
    This time she won’t get away!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 22 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 23 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 24 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    Tall enough to stop a GiaNt,
    our trap had pul­lies, ropes, and decks.
    But this dino smashed it all to pieces.
    She should be called T. wrecks!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 25 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    My mom is an engi­neer,
    so I’ve learned a trick or three.
    Our Robo Hug­ger 9000™
    won’t let our dino go free!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 26 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    My mom is an engi­neer,
    so I’ve learned a trick or three.
    Our Robo Hug­ger 9000™
    won’t let our dino go free!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 27 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 28 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    That clever dino tricked our robot
    by dress­ing like a bird!
    If I don’t catch the dinosaur soon,
    I’ll be lucky to come in third!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 29 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    We didn’t catch the .
    I don’t know what to do!
    But my friends remind me we still have
    a sci­ence fair entry or two…
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 30 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 31 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 32 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    We did it!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 33 2/25/19 4:39 PM
    Bet­ter luck next time!
    HowtoCatchaDinosaur_INT.indd 34 2/25/19 4:39 PM


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