by LovelyMay“The Coming of Bruce” is a heartwarming story that begins with the unfair prejudices faced by a female collie named Rothsay Lass, making her undesirable in the show dog world due to her prick-eared, broad-headed appearance, despite her flawless pedigree. Considered a “second,” Lass struggles with loneliness at the Rothsay Kennels until she’s picked out by a young boy named Dick Hazen, who falls in love with her at first sight. However, due to the stigma against female dogs and his mother’s disapproval, Dick is forced to part with Lass, who is then seemingly abandoned by his father, Edward Hazen.
A series of unfortunate events lead Lass to be mistakenly shipped to a different family, mistaken for the dog they intended to purchase, Rothsay Princess. In her new home, known as The Place, she is accepted despite her differences and begins a happy life, until the reality of her identity is revealed due to only giving birth to one puppy, named Bruce. Simultaneously, Edward Hazen, regretful over his actions and distressed by his son’s ailing health due to the loss of Lass, pleads with the family at The Place to sell Lass back to them to make his son happy again.
As the story unfolds, Lass is happily reunited with Dick, who is delighted to have her back. Bruce, the puppy, remains at The Place to be raised by the family there, serving as a living memory of Lass. This tale touches on themes of prejudice, regret, and redemption, while ultimately celebrating the unconditional love and loyalty between a boy and his dog. It showcases the profound emotional impact pets have on human lives and the lengths people will go to for the happiness of their loved ones.