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    by testsuphomeAdmin

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    Cover of

    by testsuphomeAdmin

    Wait­ing ai


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    Cover of

    by testsuphomeAdmin

    Wait­ing ai


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    Cover of

    by LovelyMay

    Enough for him to reach New York and return, they agreed to meet in Boston instead; Mr. Grey to car­ry away the dia­mond if pro­duced, and Fair­broth­er, his life and lib­er­ty. But Fair­broth­er had not expect­ed to ful­fill this bar­gain. His plan was to elude Grey in the thick fog and reach the launch, where with the pis­tol he held ready, he would make his final stand, secure in the belief that Grey would not risk noti­fy­ing the police and so reveal­ing his pres­ence in this coun­try. But he mis­cal­cu­lat­ed Grey’s courage and the Eng­lish­man’s shot went home, and with a well-aimed bul­let, he won back his dia­mond.

    Fair­broth­er’s career was over; he fell, a vic­tim to his ambi­tions and avarice. Yet, in his fall, he pre­served that mix­ture of brava­do and cun­ning which had marked his amaz­ing, though crim­i­nal, career. For when found, it was dis­cov­ered he had hid­den his worst muti­la­tions under a cloak drawn close­ly about him—a last effort to main­tain the dig­ni­ty he had lost for­ev­er.

    Grey’s dia­mond was restored to him, but both men end­ed trag­i­cal­ly. Grey went back to Eng­land, a bro­ken man, griev­ing over the loss of his daugh­ter, who suc­cumbed to ill­ness amidst his legal strug­gles to reclaim his trea­sure. Fair­broth­er, mean­while, met a dark­er fate, end­ing his life with his ambi­tion unful­filled, leav­ing behind a lega­cy of crime that over­shad­owed his pre­vi­ous achieve­ments. His clev­er­ness and cun­ning, remark­able as they were, could not save him from the con­se­quences of his actions, nor could they pro­cure him the seren­i­ty or safe­ty he sought through deceit and vio­lence.

    This tale serves as a poignant reminder of the per­ils of unchecked ambi­tion and the inevitable down­fall that accom­pa­nies a life of crime. Despite their dif­fer­ing paths, both men were ulti­mate­ly undone by their desires, leav­ing behind a tale of pas­sion, deceit, and tragedy—a stark por­tray­al of human nature’s dark­er facets.


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