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    by LovelyMay

    In chap­ter X of *At the Earth­’s Core*, the pro­tag­o­nist and his friend Ja encounter each oth­er again. The hero, hav­ing bare­ly sur­vived his adven­tures in the hid­den world of Pel­lu­ci­dar, is sur­prised and relieved to find Ja on the sur­face and quick­ly updates him on his recent tri­als. He nar­rates his escape into the wild main­land, sur­viv­ing dan­gers from both wildlife and native tribes, thank­ful for Ja’s time­ly res­cue. In turn, Ja express­es his aston­ish­ment at the hero’s unex­pect­ed pres­ence and details how he tracked him to this point, empha­siz­ing the bond they’ve shared since the hero saved Ja’s life. Ja offers him a place among his peo­ple, the Mezops, promis­ing a com­fort­able life and com­pan­ion­ship. How­ev­er, dri­ven by loy­al­ty to his orig­i­nal com­pan­ions and a quest to res­cue Dian the Beau­ti­ful, the hero declines, aim­ing to return to Phutra and the Mahar tem­ple.

    The dis­course shifts to a deep dis­cus­sion about the nature of Pel­lu­ci­dar, the inner world’s geog­ra­phy, and its inhab­i­tants’ under­stand­ing of the uni­verse. Ja and the pro­tag­o­nist dis­cuss the flat Earth the­o­ry of Pel­lu­ci­dar ver­sus the out­er world’s spher­i­cal one, touch­ing on the naivety and humor found in such a mis­un­der­stand­ing but also spark­ing a deep curios­i­ty and deter­mi­na­tion in the hero to edu­cate and improve the knowl­edge of Pel­lu­ci­dar’s inhab­i­tants.

    Upon decid­ing to head back to Phutra to res­cue his friends, notwith­stand­ing the like­li­hood of his own death, he is caught and inter­ro­gat­ed by the Mahars—intelligent rep­til­ian crea­tures who rule the inner world. He con­cocts a sto­ry of will­ing­ly return­ing to Phutra, dis­guis­ing his true motive of plan­ning an escape for him and his friends. This leads to a tense con­fronta­tion with the Mahars and their guards, illus­trat­ing the pro­tag­o­nist’s quick think­ing and resource­ful­ness.

    Final­ly, reunit­ed with his col­league Per­ry in Phutra, they engage in a per­plex­ing con­ver­sa­tion about the nature of time in Pel­lu­ci­dar, high­light­ing a sig­nif­i­cant dis­con­nect in their per­cep­tion of the pas­sage of time—a phe­nom­e­non that seems to only com­pound the myr­i­ad of mys­ter­ies and chal­lenges they face in this strange world. This philo­soph­i­cal mus­ing on time adds depth to their already enig­mat­ic sur­round­ings, set­ting the stage for their con­tin­ued adven­tures and quest for sur­vival.

    This encap­su­la­tion main­tains the cru­cial ele­ments and styl­is­tic essence of the orig­i­nal nar­ra­tive, pre­serv­ing the sense of adven­ture, cama­raderie, and mys­tery that defines *At the Earth­’s Core*.


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