06 Liberty
by LovelyMayIn the sixth chapter of “Black Beauty” titled “Liberty,” the narrative unfolds from the perspective of Black Beauty, who reflects on his contentment and living conditions in his new home. Despite the comfort, good food, and caring handlers he has, Black Beauty yearns for freedom, reminiscing about the days when he could roam freely in the fields, expressing his energy and spirit without restraint. This contrast between his past liberty and current confined life, where his movements are restricted by straps and blinkers, emphasizes his desire for the open spaces and autonomy he once enjoyed.
Black Beauty acknowledges the necessity of his situation, recognizing that as a young and spirited horse, the expectations are for him to be steady and reliable, akin to older, more experienced horses. Regardless, he finds this adjustment challenging, particularly when his desire to move freely is curtailed. His restlessness is especially pronounced when he has not been exercised sufficiently, leading to bursts of energy that test the patience of his caretaker, John.
John, understanding and considerate, knows how to manage Black Beauty’s spirited nature without resorting to harshness. He recognizes the importance of exercise in alleviating Black Beauty’s restlessness, often allowing him to trot freely outside the village to “get the tickle out of [his] feet.” Through gentle guidance and a deep understanding of Black Beauty’s needs, John is presented as a model of empathy and patience, demonstrating an intuitive grasp of how to care for spirited horses without stifling their inherent nature.
The chapter not only highlights the bond between horse and human but also subtly critiques the practice of confining animals without considering their natural inclinations and needs. Black Beauty’s reflections offer insights into the inner world of a horse, portraying a longing for freedom that is universal among sentient beings.