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    After an exhausting trek through the jungle in search of the beach, the narrator stumbles upon a hidden canoe which he promptly uses to venture towards the mainland, intent on surrendering to the mysterious Phutra to reunite with his companions, Perry and Ghak. He reflects on the foolishness of his solitary escape attempt and acknowledges the slim chances of their collective plan succeeding. However, the possibility of rejoining Perry compels him onwards, despite the hardships and the seemingly insurmountable odds.

    Upon reaching the mainland, the vivid wilderness and the unknown seas spark his imagination about the adventures and discoveries that lie ahead. However, this is cut short by the sudden appearance of a gigantic prehistoric creature, a labyrinthodon, blocking his escape. Faced with imminent death, the narrator contemplates his insignificant existence in the grand scheme of things and momentarily resigns himself to his fate.

    Miraculously, Ja, the narrator’s friend, appears, frantically signaling a plan for escape. Despite the precarious situation, the narrator opts to run towards Ja, clinging to the sliver of hope provided. Ja’s plan involves a daring escape up a cliff using a spear as a makeshift ladder. The suspense escalates as the creature nearly thwarts their escape, but a fortunate turn of events allows the narrator to inadvertently wound the beast, securing his escape.

    The chapter highlights the narrator’s resilience and unwavering will to return to his friends, juxtaposed with the harrowing realization of his own mortality and insignificance. It vividly portrays the primitive and perilous world of Pellucidar, brimming with ancient creatures and untold adventures, drawing readers into the timeless struggle for survival and companionship amidst the unknown.


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