by LovelyMayIn Part Three of “Anthem” by Ayn Rand, Equality 7–2521 shares a groundbreaking discovery that sets him apart from the rest of his society. Defying the Council of Scholars’ assertion that only universally acknowledged knowledge is valid, Equality 7–2521 embraces the unknown, unveiling a novel power of nature through sheer curiosity and tenacity. His journey into the forbidden realm of individual discovery begins with a simple, yet profound, observation— a dead frog’s leg twitching, spurred by an unknown force. This leads him down a path of experimentation, ultimately revealing the power of electricity, a concept utterly foreign and denied by the constraints of his collective society.
Through meticulous experimentation—mingling copper, zinc, and brine—he witnesses the birth of an electrical current, challenging the very foundations of his world’s understanding of nature and the laws governing it. This discovery becomes a beacon of forbidden knowledge, promising change but also heralding potential punishment from a society that abhors deviation from collective thought and knowledge.
Equality 7–2521’s narrative is not just a tale of scientific inquiry but a metaphorical illumination of individual potential against the restrictive darkness of collective conformity. His discovery of electricity symbolizes the enlightening power of individual thought, posing a direct challenge to the oppressive doctrines of his world. The compass needle, influenced by his newfound power to defy the accepted direction—pointing north—serves as a poignant symbol of groundbreaking change and the questioning of immutable truths previously accepted without question.
By juxtaposing his solitary quest for knowledge against the collective ignorance enforced by the Council of Scholars, Rand portrays Equality 7–2521 as a pioneer, a lone intellect in a sea of conformity. His experiments with lightning—drawing the power of the sky to the earth—further exemplify his burgeoning understanding and control over the natural world, a power hitherto undefined and unrecognized by his society. Equality 7–2521’s journey is one of enlightenment, not only in the scientific discovery of electricity but in the awakening of his personal identity and the recognition of his separation from, and conflict with, the collective identity enforced by his world.