
    Stories 93
    Chapters 1,535
    Words 3.4 M
    Comments 0
    Reading 11 days, 22 hours11 d, 22 h
    • The Woman in the Alcove Thumbnail
      by Anna Katherine Green — The Woman in the Alcove is a cap­ti­vat­ing mys­tery nov­el writ­ten by Anna Katharine Green, first pub­lished in 1906. Green, often regard­ed as one of the pio­neers of the Amer­i­can detec­tive genre, deliv­ers a sto­ry that com­bines intri­cate plot­ting, psy­cho­log­i­cal depth, and sus­pense, typ­i­cal of her works. The nov­el fol­lows the detec­tive efforts of a skilled inves­ti­ga­tor, but the cen­tral focus is on the…
    • Ban and Arriere Ban Thumbnail
      by George Meredith — Ban and Arrière-Ban is a his­tor­i­cal and legal con­cept root­ed in medieval French feu­dal law, refer­ring to sys­tems of mil­i­tary sum­mons and oblig­a­tions imposed by feu­dal lords or the monarch. The ban was a for­mal procla­ma­tion issued to call vas­sals and sub­jects to arms in times of war or con­flict, com­pelling those who held feu­dal oblig­a­tions to pro­vide mil­i­tary ser­vice. This call to arms…
    • Ivanoff Thumbnail
      by Anton Chekhov — Ivanoff, writ­ten by Anton Chekhov in 1887, is a tragi­com­e­dy that explores the com­plex­i­ties of human emo­tion, soci­etal pres­sures, and per­son­al despair. The play cen­ters on the char­ac­ter of Ivanoff, a dis­il­lu­sioned and finan­cial­ly strapped landown­er in 19th-cen­tu­ry Rus­sia, whose life has been marred by a series of per­son­al and famil­ial fail­ures. He is a man caught between a sense of guilt for his…
    • Angling Sketches Thumbnail
      by Thomas Tod Stoddart — Angling Sketch­es is a time­less col­lec­tion of essays by the renowned British writer, J. R. G. (John) Keats, reflect­ing his deep love and pro­found obser­va­tions on the art of fish­ing. First pub­lished in the 19th cen­tu­ry, these sketch­es blend lit­er­ary ele­gance with the serene joys of angling, offer­ing read­ers a unique glimpse into the med­i­ta­tive world of the fish­er­man. Keats’ gen­tle prose invites us…
    • The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet Thumbnail
      by Stephen McLaughlin — The Hitch­hik­er’s Guide to the Inter­net is an essen­tial read for any­one seek­ing to nav­i­gate the vast, ever-evolv­ing dig­i­tal land­scape with a sense of humor and a sharp mind. This quirky, infor­ma­tive guide pro­vides a mix of prac­ti­cal advice and whim­si­cal obser­va­tions about the online world, mak­ing it per­fect for both begin­ners and sea­soned web trav­el­ers. Whether you’re try­ing to under­stand the basics of…
    • The Lost Continent Thumbnail
      by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne — The Lost Con­ti­nent by Bill Bryson is a delight­ful and humor­ous trav­el mem­oir that chron­i­cles the author’s jour­ney through the Unit­ed States, as he revis­its and explores the land­scape of his child­hood and adult­hood. Writ­ten in Bryson’s sig­na­ture wit­ty and self-dep­re­cat­ing style, the book pro­vides an insight­ful, often com­i­cal, look at Amer­i­can cul­ture, his­to­ry, and geog­ra­phy. Bryson’s sharp obser­va­tions about the quirks and idio­syn­crasies…
    • Dolly Dialogues Thumbnail
      by Anthony Hope — The Dol­ly Dia­logues by Hen­ry A. Jones is a wit­ty and engag­ing col­lec­tion of dia­logues that clev­er­ly explore the nuances of social inter­ac­tions, love, and rela­tion­ships, all pre­sent­ed through the char­ac­ter of Dol­ly. With sharp humor and insight­ful obser­va­tions, Jones paints a vivid por­trait of ear­ly 20th-cen­tu­ry British soci­ety, using Dolly’s con­ver­sa­tions to cri­tique soci­etal norms, gen­der roles, and the com­plex­i­ties of human nature.…
    • Further Adventures of Lad Thumbnail
      by Albert Payson Terhune — Fur­ther Adven­tures of Lad by Albert Payson Ter­hune is a heart­warm­ing and adven­tur­ous sequel to his beloved nov­el Lad: A Dog, con­tin­u­ing the sto­ry of the loy­al and coura­geous col­lie, Lad. In this book, Ter­hune once again cap­tures the bond between humans and dogs, offer­ing read­ers a mix of thrilling out­door adven­tures and emo­tion­al moments. Lad, with his intel­li­gence, brav­ery, and unshak­able loy­al­ty, faces…
    • Legends and Lyrics — Second Series Thumbnail
      by Adelaide Anne Procter — Leg­ends and Lyrics — Sec­ond Series by Ade­laide Anne Proc­ter is a time­less col­lec­tion of poet­ry that offers both lyri­cal beau­ty and spir­i­tu­al depth. Pub­lished in the 19th cen­tu­ry, the sec­ond series con­tin­ues Proc­ter’s explo­ration of themes such as faith, love, char­i­ty, and per­son­al intro­spec­tion. Her works are char­ac­ter­ized by their emo­tion­al res­o­nance, acces­si­bil­i­ty, and com­mit­ment to uplift­ing the human spir­it. Proc­ter’s poet­ry, while…
    • One Basket Thumbnail
      by Edna Ferber — One Bas­ket by Edna Fer­ber is a delight­ful col­lec­tion of short sto­ries that show­cas­es Fer­ber’s sharp wit, keen obser­va­tion­al skills, and remark­able abil­i­ty to cap­ture the nuances of human rela­tion­ships and emo­tions. Known for her skill in cre­at­ing vivid char­ac­ters and set­tings, Ferber’s sto­ries in One Bas­ket offer a diverse range of expe­ri­ences, each brim­ming with the depth and com­plex­i­ty of every­day life. From…