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    In the realm of Mars, the very concept of a political or administrative system is rendered obsolete by the overarching governance of love and self-guidance among its inhabitants. This notion stands in stark contrast to the Earthly reliance on complex bureaucracies and governmental structures, which many may find surprising or even disappointing. The Martian society thrives without the need for political overseers or regulatory bodies, attributing this notable absence to the elimination of selfishness and the universal inner guidance of each individual. This self-regulation extends beyond just political aspects, encompassing the planet’s industrial and economic facets as well.

    The economic mechanism on Mars operates through a unique interpretation of the law of supply and demand, devoid of competition, as factories and production are tailored to the needs of the population without the strife found in Earth’s competitive markets. This system’s success lies in the deep spiritual and communal connectivity of the Martians, underpinned by guidance from individuals recognized for their closer ties to the Invisible World. These spiritual advisors, akin to prophets, offer counsel on matters of personal and community well-being, drawing parallels to ancient human history where spiritual figures played a similar role. The Martian society, devoid of political or economic competition, exemplifies a civilization built on mutual respect, selflessness, and a profound connection to a higher moral and spiritual order, reflecting a utopian community where the complexities and corruptions of Earthly governance find no foothold.


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