21 The Parting
by LovelyMayIn Chapter 21 of “Black Beauty,” titled “The Parting,” a bittersweet transition unfolds, marking the end of several years of happiness for the protagonist and his companions. The mistress’s illness necessitates a move to a warmer climate for her recovery, setting in motion a series of farewells and relocations for the household and the horses alike. Black Beauty narrates the emotional toll this change takes on both the humans and animals involved with a poignancy that reflects the close bonds formed.
The chapter begins with the ominous news that the mistress’s declining health requires her to relocate, prompting the master to disband his English establishment. This news casts a shadow over the entire household, with the stable being no exception, as the usually vibrant atmosphere turns somber with the impending separations. The departure of Miss Jessie and Flora along with their governess marks the onset of farewells, during which the emotional bonds between the horses and their human friends are poignantly highlighted, especially in the case of Merrylegs, who is given to the vicar under the condition of a merciful end to his life when the time comes.
Black Beauty and Ginger are sold to the Earl of W—-, a decision made by the master with the confidence that they would be well cared for. Meanwhile, Merrylegs’ future is secured with Joe’s appointment to look after him, and John, the trusted coachman, contemplates a future working with colts and horse training, a career path commended by the master who offers his support.
The chapter reaches its emotional climax as the master and mistress prepare to leave, with the servants and villagers expressing their sorrow and well-wishes. The master’s careful handling of his ailing wife and the subdued departure from their home highlight the depth of their relationship and the respect the servants hold for them. John’s reluctance to speak his farewells, perhaps choked by emotion, underscores the strong but silent bonds of loyalty and affection that define the human and animal relationships in the story.
In summarizing, Chapter 21 encapsulates a poignant moment of transition and parting, emphasizing themes of change, loyalty, and the deep connections between humans and animals. It sets the stage for the next phase in Black Beauty’s life while granting a dignified closure to this chapter of his journey.