Cover of The Lost Continent

    The Lost Continent

    by LovelyMay

    The Lost Con­ti­nent by C. J. Cut­cliffe Hyne is a fan­ta­sy adven­ture nov­el that tells the sto­ry of a group of explor­ers who dis­cov­er a mys­te­ri­ous, sub­merged con­ti­nent filled with strange crea­tures, ancient secrets, and epic bat­tles.

    1. 1 ‑The lost Continent
      2,693 Words
    2. 2 ‑The lost Continent
      2,159 Words
    3. 4 ‑The lost Continent
      2,340 Words
    4. 5 ‑The lost Continent
      2,900 Words
    5. 6 ‑The lost Continent
      2,447 Words
    6. 7 ‑The lost Continent
      2,267 Words