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    When the protagonist wakes up in the Martian wilderness, he and An continue their exploration, eventually witnessing a festival where the locals engage in various games and performances. The protagonist’s daring demonstration of javelin-throwing and using his wits to bring down a seemingly invulnerable mystic earns him recognition. Later, he separates from An and experiences Martian hospitality and camaraderie, culminating in an invitation to witness Princess Heru’s ceremonial reading of the year’s destiny. This ceremony involves a mysterious dance performed by Heru, followed by the revelation contained within a magically illuminated water-filled globe. Tragically, the globe turns a menacing red, foretelling disaster, leaving Heru in a state of shock. In a daring move, the protagonist rescues the distressed princess by removing her from the influence of the ceremony, showcasing both his bravery and the depth of his connection to Heru. This act signifies a pivotal moment, highlighting the cultural chasm between the sole Earthling and the Martian populace, setting the stage for future adventures on this alien planet.


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