The Bhagavad-Gita
CHAPTER XII ‑The Bhagavad-Gita
by LovelyMayIn Chapter XII of the Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna inquires of Krishna about the nature of devotion and the most efficacious path to reach the Divine. He poses a question distinguishing between those who worship God in a tangible, revealed form and those who worship the Unmanifest, the Unrevealed, and the Unthinkable, seeking to understand which form of devotion is superior. Krishna responds by valuing all forms of devotion but highlights the sanctity of those who worship with unwavering faith and devotion, regardless of the form in which they perceive Him. He explains that those who fix their minds and hearts in Him, serving Him in full devotion, are held in high regard.
Krishna acknowledges the difficulty humans face in striving to comprehend the Unmanifest aspect of divinity, stating that it is a challenging path, especially for those embodied in flesh. However, He reassures that those who dedicate their actions to Him, renouncing selfish desires and maintaining continuous thought of Him, will be liberated from the cycle of life and death. Krishna emphasizes the importance of attaching oneself to Him with heart and mind as a sure path to dwelling with Him on high.
For those unable to maintain consistent focus on the Divine or engage in unwavering worship, Krishna offers alternative paths of devotion: engaging in works pleasing to Him or practicing renunciation as a form of service. He asserts that all efforts made in love for Him will ultimately lead to fulfillment, suggesting that even if one fails in their endeavors, surrendering to Him and letting go of the fruits of one’s labor is a noble path.
Krishna places a significant value on renunciation, placing it near to the eternal peace, and describes the attributes of a true devotee. Such a person harbors no hatred towards any being, lives a compassionate life free from ego, remains unswayed by external circumstances, and is dedicated to God with a heart full of devotion. Krishna concludes by expressing His love for those who cause no trouble to others and remain undisturbed by the world, embodying serenity and a balanced disposition, affirming that these qualities are dearly loved by Him. This chapter thus outlines various pathways of devotion, emphasizing the essence of faith, selfless service, and renunciation as means to attain divine love and liberation.