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    In the chilly embrace of Earthdom, Mother Nature lamented the coming of Jack Frost, a lively spirit known for his mischievous pranks on nature’s offspring. With winter’s breath threatening her babies’ well-being, she feared the cold’s sharp touch upon them, as they were left without blankets to shield them from Jack’s playful antics. Observing her concerns, Jack Frost appeared, boasting of his morning’s endeavors, which included harassing a wayward aster, relishing in the shivers his presence induced.

    Recognizing the urgency to protect her charges from the cold’s inevitable grip, Mother Nature decided to appeal directly to Father Winter for assistance. She drafted a letter from her dwelling in Earthdom, dated November 1, 1893, imploring the king for warm blankets to safeguard her babies during their impending slumber, accentuated by the season’s deepening chill. She warned of Jack’s untimely frolics, emphasizing the need for swift action to preclude any discomfort among her brood. The letter, addressed to King Winter at his frosty throne in the Polar Regions of Cloud-dom, was entrusted to the Autumn Wind, racing northward with hope.

    King Winter, amidst his winter preparations and seated authoritatively behind the veil of the North Wind, received Mother Nature’s plea with a blend of surprise and concern. The notion that Jack Frost had prematurely ventured to wreak havoc among Earthdom’s denizens disquieted him. Acknowledging the gravity of Mother Nature’s request and the impending necessity to envelop the land in protective warmth, he summoned Snowflake. With this call to action, he sought to marshal an assemblage of snowflakes, each a potential bearer of the coveted blankets Mother Nature sought, to stave off Jack Frost’s cold embrace and ensure the safe, warm repose of nature’s myriad children under the duress of winter’s impending dominion.


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