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    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In “If These Wings Could Fly,” Chap­ter Twelve begins with a reflec­tion on the struc­ture of writ­ing, par­tic­u­lar­ly the impor­tance of a the­sis state­ment. The nar­ra­tor appre­ci­ates the log­ic and order that a the­sis pro­vides, insist­ing that each sub­se­quent word must bol­ster the claim. In con­trast, the nar­ra­tor strug­gles with poet­ry, feel­ing that it resists the con­fines of rules. The narrator’s moth­er finds beau­ty in poet­ry’s freeform style, often cre­at­ing sen­tence frag­ments that eschew con­ven­tion­al gram­mar. Mom’s own the­sis state­ment, “My life has mean­ing because he is in it,” gov­erns her actions, as she seeks val­i­da­tion through her rela­tion­ship with a sig­nif­i­cant fig­ure in her life.

    In a point­ed dec­la­ra­tion, the nar­ra­tor empha­sizes a com­mit­ment to jour­nal­ism, under­scored by a ded­i­ca­tion to truth, prop­er struc­ture, and fac­tu­al integri­ty. Unlike the abstract vague­ness of emo­tion­al expres­sion, the nar­ra­tor is staunch­ly focused on clar­i­ty and method. How­ev­er, as the nar­ra­tor pre­pares to write a lit­er­a­ture paper for class, a per­son­al real­iza­tion strikes: instead of start­ing with a the­sis for the assign­ment, they set a per­son­al goal instead: “I will leave Auburn and go to col­lege.” This dec­la­ra­tion marks a piv­otal shift in the nar­ra­tor’s per­spec­tive. It crys­tal­lizes their ambi­tion and serves as a foun­da­tion for all their plans and efforts mov­ing for­ward.

    By this point, the nar­ra­tor is no longer only engaged with the aca­d­e­m­ic tasks at hand but is active­ly fram­ing their future aspi­ra­tions. Just as the mother’s life is dri­ven by her emo­tion­al the­sis, the narrator’s deter­mi­na­tion to leave Auburn now shapes their pri­or­i­ties and pur­suits, moti­vat­ing them to excel aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly, notably by craft­ing a com­pelling essay for the Auburn schol­ar­ship con­test. This moment reveals a crit­i­cal moment of per­son­al growth, empha­siz­ing themes of ambi­tion, iden­ti­ty, and the inter­sec­tion of per­son­al aspi­ra­tions with famil­ial influ­ences.


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    Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In Chap­ter Twelve of “The Choco­late War,” the atmos­phere dur­ing foot­ball prac­tice is tense as Coach barks orders, his voice hoarse from his ris­ing frus­tra­tion with the fresh­men’s per­for­mance. Jer­ry, bat­tered and deter­mined, tries to shake off his injuries as he takes his posi­tion behind Adamo, the cen­ter. The coach had set up this scrim­mage to show­case the fresh­men’s learn­ing against some var­si­ty play­ers, but the results have been dis­ap­point­ing, which fuels the coach’s fury.

    The team lacks cohe­sion, and there is no hud­dle as the coach imme­di­ate­ly calls the next play, designed to coun­ter­act Carter, a for­mi­da­ble var­si­ty guard. This play is part of a tra­di­tion where star play­ers are test­ed against younger ath­letes, enrich­ing the lat­ter’s expe­ri­ence despite their unlike­ly chances of mak­ing the var­si­ty team. Jer­ry is acute­ly aware of his pre­vi­ous fail­ures on the field, par­tic­u­lar­ly the way Carter had eas­i­ly tack­led him, which stings his pride.

    Despite this humil­i­a­tion, Jer­ry strives for improve­ment. He believes they are on the brink of suc­cess if they can just get things right. Call­ing the next play with a hope­ful voice, he springs into action, spot­ting Goober down­field. With a com­bi­na­tion of ner­vous­ness and deter­mi­na­tion, he exe­cutes the play, dodg­ing obsta­cles and focus­ing on deliv­er­ing a sol­id pass to Goober, who suc­cess­ful­ly catch­es it and scores, spark­ing cheers from their team­mates.

    Jer­ry feels a moment of ela­tion from the coach’s rare praise, real­iz­ing the sig­nif­i­cance of the com­pli­ment in their chal­leng­ing envi­ron­ment. As prac­tice wraps up, and Jer­ry feels the joy of team­work and accom­plish­ment, he notices a let­ter taped to his lock­er. It’s a sum­mon from The Vig­ils, indi­cat­ing anoth­er assign­ment, leav­ing him to won­der about what lies ahead after this exhil­a­rat­ing prac­tice.


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    Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    In Chap­ter Twelve, titled “Cry of the Hunters,” Ralph finds him­self alone and deeply wound­ed, con­tem­plat­ing his injuries and the per­ilous state of his exis­tence. He reflects on the hunters’ sav­age trans­for­ma­tion, recall­ing their descent into bru­tal­i­ty, as he lis­tens intent­ly for any signs of pur­suit. Ini­tial­ly, he believes he has evad­ed them, not­ing their hes­i­tance in the for­est, but he is pro­found­ly aware of the threat they pose. The after­noon fades, and Ralph, now hun­gry and dis­tressed, wit­ness­es a feast at Cas­tle Rock while grap­pling with the real­i­ty that he is con­sid­ered an out­law among the oth­ers.

    As Ralph nav­i­gates through the fruit trees, con­flict­ing thoughts arise — he hopes to avoid con­fronta­tion, but the grim truth weighs heav­i­ly upon him. Haunt­ed by mem­o­ries of Pig­gy and Simon, their deaths sig­ni­fy the end of civil­i­ty as Ralph real­izes he can­not escape Jack’s relent­less pur­suit. His des­per­a­tion cul­mi­nates in a poignant moment of fear where he affirms his belief that the vio­lence was acci­den­tal, but doubts plague his mind.

    Ven­tur­ing out towards the famil­iar beach, Ralph encoun­ters the rem­nants of a pig’s skull mount­ed as an offer­ing, a chill­ing reminder of their descent into sav­agery. In this iso­lat­ed place, he is again con­front­ed with exis­ten­tial dread and begins to sense the approach­ing night as an omen of doom. Hear­ing the trib­al chants in the back­ground serves as a stark reminder of his pre­car­i­ous posi­tion.

    Lat­er, as dark­ness envelops the island, Ralph attempts to con­nect with Sam­ner­ic, who have aligned them­selves with Jack­’s tribe. The twins warn him of the immi­nent dan­ger he faces, inform­ing him about the tribe’s plans to hunt him down. This con­ver­sa­tion reveals their unwill­ing com­plic­i­ty and fear, fur­ther iso­lat­ing Ralph. He deeply regrets the loss of his friends and the inno­cence they once shared.

    As Ralph’s sit­u­a­tion dete­ri­o­rates, the chap­ter builds to a cli­max. The hunt inten­si­fies with the tribe attempt­ing to smoke him out. In a fren­zied escape, Ralph grap­ples with the fear of being caught, reflect­ing his ulti­mate fight for sur­vival against over­whelm­ing odds. The tumul­tuous end­ing sees Ralph nar­row­ly escape as the island burns behind him, lead­ing to a cli­mac­tic encounter with a naval offi­cer who abrupt­ly ends the sav­age night­mare. This encounter brings a mix of relief and sor­row, as Ralph’s trau­mat­ic jour­ney cul­mi­nates in recog­ni­tion of lost inno­cence and the bru­tal­i­ty of human nature, leav­ing him over­whelmed with grief over the past.


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    Chapter Index
    Cover of If These Wings Could Fly
    Paranormal Fiction

    If These Wings Could Fly

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley follows Leighton, a teenage girl living in a troubled home in a small town. Struggling with family secrets and an abusive father, she finds solace in the local bird sanctuary. As she learns to navigate her own path, Leighton discovers the power of friendship, hope, and personal strength.

    Par­vana remained at home for a few days, seek­ing solace with her fam­i­ly amidst the tur­moil out­side. She ven­tured out only for water and brief out­ings in the sun­shine with her sis­ters, express­ing to her moth­er her need for a break from the harsh real­i­ties they faced. The grim scenes from the sta­di­um, echoed by oth­er women, made her anx­ious about her father’s fate, though she dared not voice her fears. Dur­ing her home stay, she played a vital role in coach­ing her younger sis­ter Maryam and learn­ing mend­ing from Noo­ria, while enjoy­ing the sto­ries told by Mrs. Weera.

    Even­tu­al­ly, Par­vana felt com­pelled to return to work when they ran out of bread. Meet­ing her friend Shauzia in the mar­ket, Par­vana voiced her long­ing for peace, while Shauzia shared the dis­con­tent that ran ram­pant in her house­hold due to fam­i­ly ten­sions. They con­fid­ed in each oth­er, with Shauzia reveal­ing her dream of escap­ing to France, using cun­ning strate­gies to evade notice. Shauzia expressed her deter­mi­na­tion to avoid revert­ing to her true iden­ti­ty as a girl, which she believed would con­fine her at home. Par­vana, hear­ing this, strug­gled with the idea of leav­ing her fam­i­ly behind but also yearned for the ordi­nary life of a child, filled with school and com­fort.

    As the sum­mer bloomed in Kab­ul, life seemed unusu­al­ly vibrant against the back­drop of con­flict. Par­vana noticed the mar­ket­place’s shift­ing atmosphere—no longer amus­ing, but rather a reflec­tion of hunger, suf­fer­ing, and despair sur­round­ing her. Sum­mer also brought the oppor­tu­ni­ty for Par­vana to bring home fresh treats for her fam­i­ly. She observed many traders and heard var­ied tales of regions far and wide. Through the clan­des­tine wom­en’s group, a secret school opened, with Noo­ria as the teacher, spar­ing some time for learn­ing despite the risk involved.

    Par­vana’s con­nec­tion with the Win­dow Woman con­tin­ued, receiv­ing small tokens that kept hope alive in her heart. How­ev­er, an ensu­ing con­flict above her in the mar­ket­place and a mys­te­ri­ous man’s warn­ing about men’s busi­ness hint­ed at the per­ils sur­round­ing their lives. Just as Par­vana was about to share her wor­ries about the com­mo­tion she wit­nessed, her moth­er dis­closed unex­pect­ed news: Noo­ria was to be mar­ried, adding anoth­er lay­er of com­plex­i­ty to their already tumul­tuous lives.


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