Cover of Something Wicked This Way Comes

    Something Wicked This Way Comes

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury follows two boys, Jim and Will, as they encounter a mysterious traveling carnival that brings dark and supernatural forces to their town. As they confront the sinister power behind the carnival, they must battle fear and temptation to protect themselves and their loved ones.

    Chap­ter 21 begins with Will reflect­ing on the old pine-plank board­walk locat­ed behind his house, a piece of his­to­ry that had been care­ful­ly pre­served by his grand­fa­ther. This board­walk, which stood proud­ly amidst the mod­ern land­scape of con­crete side­walks, had become a sym­bol of the past. Through the years, it had with­stood the elements—the scorch­ing heat of sum­mer, the tor­ren­tial rains, and the cold of win­ter. Despite the harsh con­di­tions, it remained stur­dy, hold­ing mem­o­ries of a time long gone, when the world was sim­pler and less con­cerned with the rapid pace of change. The board­walk was more than just a phys­i­cal struc­ture; it rep­re­sent­ed a con­nec­tion to Will’s child­hood, to his grand­fa­ther, and to a past that seemed to grow increas­ing­ly dis­tant with each pass­ing day. It stood firm, a time­less reminder that some things, like mem­o­ries and places, can endure, even when every­thing else around them changes.

    As Will lay in bed that night, the qui­et of the house sur­round­ing him, his thoughts turned to this cher­ished rel­ic of his child­hood. It wasn’t just a boardwalk—it was a part of his his­to­ry, one that had wit­nessed count­less moments of youth­ful mis­chief and adven­ture. Boys like Will and Jim didn’t fol­low the con­ven­tion­al paths; instead of ring­ing door­bells, they engaged in play­ful pranks, such as toss­ing dirt at hous­es or leav­ing cryp­tic notes for oth­ers to find. It was on nights like these that Will and Jim would sneak out under the cov­er of dark­ness, mak­ing their way to the board­walk that had become their own secret play­ground. Over time, they had learned to cre­ate their own music with the board­walk, with each step pro­duc­ing a unique melody. They had even per­fect­ed this rit­u­al, know­ing that cer­tain tunes sig­ni­fied cer­tain adven­tures. A melody resem­bling “Way Down Upon the Swa­nee Riv­er” meant a trip to the riv­er caves, while a tune like “March­ing Through Geor­gia” indi­cat­ed that ripe fruits await­ed them beyond the town. The board­walk wasn’t just wood beneath their feet; it was a part of their lan­guage, their unspo­ken con­nec­tion.

    On this par­tic­u­lar evening, Will’s antic­i­pa­tion grew as he lay there, wait­ing for the famil­iar sounds of the board­walk. He won­dered what kind of melody Jim would play tonight, espe­cial­ly with the lin­ger­ing thoughts of the unset­tling car­ni­val still fresh in his mind. The atmos­phere seemed charged, as if the world itself was hold­ing its breath. Will was eager for the night’s adven­ture, but there was also a gnaw­ing unease in him, a sense that some­thing was dif­fer­ent this time. The clock struck ten-thir­ty, but there was no sound. The absence of music made Will uneasy, and his mind began to race. He became trou­bled by the thought that Jim might be fac­ing dark­er, more trou­bling thoughts on his own, espe­cial­ly with­out the com­fort­ing pres­ence of a father fig­ure and the over­bear­ing atten­tion of his moth­er. Will was used to being Jim’s con­fi­dant, but tonight felt dif­fer­ent, and the silence stretched on longer than he liked.

    At exact­ly ten-thir­ty-five, the silence was bro­ken, but it was not the tune Will had expect­ed. For a brief moment, he thought it was Jim play­ing, but then he real­ized that it was just his imag­i­na­tion, fill­ing in the gaps with sound. His sense of rest­less­ness grew, the ten­sion in the air pal­pa­ble. Will won­dered if he had just imag­ined the whole thing, but the feel­ing of being left in the dark was unset­tling. Sud­den­ly, Jim’s win­dow creaked open, and with­out a word, he began to climb down the drain­pipe. Will’s heart skipped a beat as he rushed to fol­low, his pulse quick­en­ing. He didn’t want to be left behind, to lose sight of his best friend. In that instant, Jim remind­ed him of their deep bond—together, they had always seen the world dif­fer­ent­ly, notic­ing what oth­ers over­looked. But now, Jim was mov­ing away, retreat­ing into the night with­out him, and Will couldn’t bear to be left in the qui­et, won­der­ing what might unfold with­out him by Jim’s side.

    Deter­mined to stay close, Will fol­lowed Jim, his feet pound­ing against the ground as he hur­ried after him. They passed by Miss Foley’s house, a famil­iar land­mark in their qui­et town, and Will couldn’t shake the feel­ing that some­thing had shift­ed tonight. The sense of adven­ture that always accom­pa­nied their night­time escapades now felt tinged with uncer­tain­ty. As they walked, the cool night air seemed to hold a sense of mys­tery, as if the world was watch­ing them close­ly. With each step, Will felt as though they were ven­tur­ing fur­ther into a place where the bound­aries of real­i­ty were more flu­id, and the con­se­quences of their actions were more seri­ous. Tonight, the adven­ture was dif­fer­ent; it was no longer just about mis­chief and fun. There was some­thing more at stake, some­thing deep­er, as the boys moved clos­er to the unknown. The night, and their jour­ney, was just begin­ning, and Will couldn’t help but won­der what would hap­pen next.


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