Cover of Something Wicked This Way Comes

    Something Wicked This Way Comes

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury follows two boys, Jim and Will, as they encounter a mysterious traveling carnival that brings dark and supernatural forces to their town. As they confront the sinister power behind the carnival, they must battle fear and temptation to protect themselves and their loved ones.

    Chap­ter 10 begins in the still­ness of a qui­et mid­night, where a light­ning-rod sales­man makes his way down an emp­ty street. His leather valise is near­ly void, and yet he car­ries him­self with an ease that sug­gests a deep com­fort in the soli­tude around him. He paus­es at a store win­dow, his atten­tion imme­di­ate­ly drawn to the soft flut­ter of white moths as they dance in the cool air. Inside the win­dow, a sight holds him captive—a mas­sive block of ice from the Alas­ka Snow Com­pa­ny, care­ful­ly bal­anced on sawhors­es. With­in the ice, encased per­fect­ly, lies a stun­ning woman, seem­ing­ly frozen in time. The del­i­cate form, untouched by the years, evokes mem­o­ries of youth, beau­ty, and the unat­tain­able, as if she had been pre­served for­ev­er in the cold embrace of snow, iso­lat­ed from the pass­ing world.

    The woman’s beau­ty is strik­ing, with hair as white as the ice that sur­rounds her, giv­ing her an ethe­re­al allure. She seems to belong not to the present world but to a time­less place, one where art and nature merge. The sales­man recalls his encoun­ters with oth­er cap­ti­vat­ing women, recall­ing the stun­ning mar­ble sculp­tures he saw in Rome, the vivid­ly paint­ed fig­ures in the Lou­vre, and a mys­te­ri­ous shad­owy fig­ure that had enchant­ed him dur­ing his youth. All these images con­verge in the woman before him, her frozen form com­bin­ing the raw phys­i­cal beau­ty of the sculp­tures with an essence that can­not be ful­ly cap­tured or under­stood. This enig­mat­ic qual­i­ty only deep­ens the salesman’s fas­ci­na­tion, as he real­izes that this fig­ure rep­re­sents some­thing far beyond phys­i­cal appearance—it is as though she is a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of time­less­ness itself, embody­ing a beau­ty that exists out­side the con­straints of time.

    As he observes her, he begins to con­tem­plate her fea­tures in greater detail. The thought occurs to him that once the ice is bro­ken away, her hair might reveal a hid­den depth of col­or that was pre­vi­ous­ly con­cealed. He also won­ders about her height—whether the ice has dis­tort­ed her true size due to its refract­ing prop­er­ties. Yet, all of these thoughts feel sec­ondary to the con­nec­tion he sens­es with her, some­thing far more pro­found than mere phys­i­cal details. He begins to feel an intense, almost intu­itive cer­tain­ty that if she were to awak­en, he would rec­og­nize her instantly—particularly the col­or of her eyes, even though they remain hid­den by the lay­ers of ice. This con­nec­tion, though unspo­ken and unac­knowl­edged, seems to be the most pow­er­ful aspect of the entire expe­ri­ence, mak­ing him feel as if he is tied to this frozen woman in ways he can­not yet ful­ly com­pre­hend.

    With each pass­ing moment, a sense of warmth and antic­i­pa­tion builds with­in him. The notion cross­es his mind, almost as a pass­ing fan­ta­sy, that if he were to touch the glassy sur­face of the ice, the warmth from his hand might be enough to melt it, even if only slight­ly. This thought pulls him clos­er, his heart rac­ing with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a momen­tary con­nec­tion between his warmth and her cold, frozen state. The sur­re­al­ness of this moment, a blend of extremes—heat meet­ing cold, life meet­ing death, the known and the unknown—compels him to move for­ward. His hand hov­ers near the door, and as it swings open with ease, the frigid air from inside the shop rush­es to greet him, min­gling with the warmth that still lingers on his skin. He steps across the thresh­old, drawn inex­orably into the mys­tery that sur­rounds the ice, sur­ren­der­ing to its mag­net­ic pull. Mean­while, out­side the win­dow, the moths con­tin­ue to flut­ter against the glass, unaware of the dra­ma unfold­ing inside. This strange, cap­ti­vat­ing scene—where heat, cold, and mys­tery intersect—leaves a lin­ger­ing sense of intrigue, as if the moment itself holds secrets that may soon be revealed. The chap­ter ends on a note of sus­pend­ed ten­sion, full of antic­i­pa­tion and uncer­tain­ty, leav­ing read­ers to won­der what will hap­pen next in the salesman’s inter­ac­tion with this frozen woman.


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