by testsuphomeAdminMiles awakens before dawn in a vineyard, feeling disoriented and disappointed by the absence of the rainbow-haired girl. He had spent the night in hopes of seeing her again, desperately wanting to connect with someone who made him feel like himself. Instead, he grappled with lingering anger towards his brother Wynton, especially after a humiliating incident in a Dumpster where he felt abandoned. The humiliation and rage swirl within him, making it difficult for him to process his emotions.
Surrounded by the mournful calls of birds and the oppressive heat of the morning, memories of time spent with Uncle Clive flood his mind. Clive had instilled in Miles a connection to the earth, teaching him that the regret and heartache they experienced were intertwined with the land and the wine produced from it. These feelings seemed amplified at dawn as the vineyards felt weighty with sadness, as if reflecting the turmoil brewing in Miles himself.
Sandro, his dog, appears and prompts Miles to reflect on their longing for the girl. They share a sense of melancholy together, reminiscent of past times when they felt joy during their moments with her. Miles feels the shift in their dynamics as he questions his own worth, feeling more and more like a “perfect monster” who was always the opposite of Wynton, who had constantly caused chaos.
As he navigates his thoughts, Miles becomes acutely aware of the pressure of being the reliably perfect son, molded in contrast to Wynton’s erratic behavior. His years of compliance won him a scholarship to a prestigious school, but now he wrestled with the loss of identity that had come with being so unlike his brother. Just then, a rattle of an old Jeep interrupts his reverie, revealing Uncle Clive’s distressed demeanor. The grave words, “It’s your brother and it’s bad,” shatter the fragile tranquility of the morning, propelling Miles into a new, uncertain chapter of his life .