Cover of The Small and the Mighty

    The Small and the Mighty

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Small and the Mighty by Heather M. Ross is an uplifting story that centers on unlikely heroes—small creatures who defy the odds and show that size isn't everything. Through the adventures of these humble protagonists, the novel explores themes of courage, resilience, and the power of determination. As the characters face challenges and grow stronger, the book celebrates how even the smallest can make a big impact, teaching readers about the value of inner strength and self-belief.

    ### Acknowl­edg­ments Sum­ma­ry

    This book took years to com­plete, and the jour­ney was unpre­dictable, even for the author. Grate­ful­ness is extend­ed to those who patient­ly wait­ed dur­ing the exten­sive phas­es of research, writ­ing, and revi­sions, with the hope that this effort proves reward­ing. Writ­ing acknowl­edg­ments is likened to cre­at­ing an Oscar speech, filled with emo­tion and grat­i­tude towards many indi­vid­u­als.

    Spe­cial thanks are giv­en to Chris, a sym­bol of self­less­ness; to Cullen, Eleanor, Mar­garet, and Louisa, the author’s pride; to the moth­er, Julie, for her unwa­ver­ing patience over twen­ty-nine years while endur­ing count­less his­tor­i­cal facts; to Car­olyn, who humor­ous­ly reflects on missed syn­chro­nized swim­ming oppor­tu­ni­ties; and to Sara, whose effi­cien­cy is unmatched, bring­ing vibran­cy even to mun­dane tasks.

    The author ded­i­cates their work to Lexi, who embod­ies pos­i­tiv­i­ty, and appre­ci­ates the team at SME for their cru­cial sup­port dur­ing the writ­ing process. Deep grat­i­tude is expressed towards Adam Grant and Richard Pine. Also acknowl­edged are Helen Healey-Cun­ning­ham and Kather­ine Howe, who pro­vid­ed con­struc­tive chal­lenges to the author’s ideas, shap­ing the book into a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion.

    Fur­ther thanks go to Heather Jack­son and Kari Anton for facil­i­tat­ing con­nec­tions with var­i­ous char­ac­ters fea­tured in the man­u­script. Adri­enne, known for shar­ing delight­ful memes, and James, who is described as small yet mighty, are also rec­og­nized.

    Sup­port­ive fig­ures like Car­los Whit­tak­er, Nicole Wal­ters, and Lau­ren Kachinske are men­tioned for their moti­va­tion­al encour­age­ment. Long-time friend Mary Wag­n­er is appre­ci­at­ed for a remark­able favor.

    A spe­cial men­tion high­lights Jer­maine Fowler, JeMar Tis­by, and Jas­mine Holmes, evok­ing sin­cere grat­i­tude. The author embraces the com­mu­ni­ty of “Gov­ern­erds,” feel­ing hon­ored to be part of their impact­ful move­ment, and extends warmth and affec­tion to the Gov­ern­erd Book Club, encap­su­lat­ing the essence of con­nec­tion with both grat­i­tude and cama­raderie.


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